Before CPF - and after


Newly Enlightened
Sep 9, 2008
Stockholm, Sweden
Hi all, I really enjoy taking part of CPS:s interesting and informative discussions.:twothumbs

Ahem, highly addictive, I forgot to mention. This was the general flashlight situation in my household circa three months ago (before CPF):

2 old Mini Maglites 2-cell AA, one of which was broken. Two or three no-name incandescent C-cell flashlights which always failed to work properly when they were needed.

In order to optimize my nightly gardens hunts for the much dreaded spanish slug (Arion lusitanicus), a beloved swedish pastime, I researched LED flashlights on the internet and discovered CPF. Today (after CPF) the flashlight situation in my household has changed drastically :

1 Fenix L2D (the first snail-hunting flashlight :rolleyes:)
1 Fenix L1D (EDC for my wife)
1 Fenix LD10
1 Wolf-Eyes Champion
1 SF Cree E2L single output (a real bargain at 50% of its original pprice) 1 1 SF Cree E2L dual output
1 SF 6PL
1 SF E1B
1 Nitecore D10
1 Nitecore Extreme
1 Nitecore Extreme GD SS
1 Nitecore EX10 Patriot (no. 5/25)
1 Jetbeam Jet-III Pro ST
1 Jetbeam Jet-III M
1 Jetbeam Jet-I Pro
1 Led Lenser P7

I also discovered the joys of Surefire-lego with additional tailcaps and the benefits of rechargeable LiIon batteries.

Due to the flashlight arsenal above my garden is now completely snake free (at least until next april :cool:)!

Also, please don't blame the current financial crisis on me, I have done my share in supporting the global economy.


PS Did I mention that I ordered a D10 whetstone yesterday? :eek:
My pre-CPF situation was very much like yours, with a Wal-Mart Brinkmann, an old Maglite I can't even find in the closet, and one of those useless "shake to charge" monstrosities that seem to only frustrate me more. That situation is what led me to CPF and the beginning of enlightenment.
I now EDC a Photon Pro and have a Fenix P1 on keychain. Then I couldn't resist the Surefire Winelights bargain. I am now waiting on a SF 6PL body/Malkoff drop-in to arrive, as well as a Lumapower MRV and Olight pair I snagged from the same fine CPF veteran.
A big thank you to all the contributors here for facilitating the process!
Well .... I would be willing to bet that a large number of CPFers started
their obsession with Maglites :D
Herrgurka, I only see production lights in your list ... you wait until you
start buying Custom/Modded lights .....:devil::devil::devil: ....:twothumbs:twothumbs:twothumbs
I think the two themes that were consistent on a thread a month or so ago about the stages of flashaholism were:

1. Maglite phase - where the solitaire, 2xAAA, MiniMag and Maglite's represented the apex of flashlight technology and quality.

2. CPF phase - discovering CPF and holding on to your wallet!

Welcome aboard! Unfortunately, like many things, the only way to figure out what really works for you and what features suit your particular needs the best is to try out a bunch of different lights.... Looks like you've got a good start!
I think the two themes that were consistent on a thread a month or so ago about the stages of flashaholism were:

1. Maglite phase - where the solitaire, 2xAAA, MiniMag and Maglite's represented the apex of flashlight technology and quality.

2. CPF phase - discovering CPF and holding on to your wallet!

Welcome aboard! Unfortunately, like many things, the only way to figure out what really works for you and what features suit your particular needs the best is to try out a bunch of different lights.... Looks like you've got a good start!

LOL .... the funny thing is that some of us go back to Maglites, but
Mags with P7s, multi-emitters, ROPs etc etc :grin2:
MagLites 2D, 3D, 4D, 2AA, and a bunch of non name at hardware stores

TLE-300M, and Markoff drop in, AAtoD batteries adaptor, batteries charger, SureFire 6PL, and a Husky 2D from a few threads here. Plan to buy more this holiday season.

This is a dangerous place for my wallet, but I learned alot.
I'm not sure if the Maglite phase can be correctly described as a stage of flashaholism in my case, more like a pre-stage. During that long phase of my life I was contend with a little light most of the times I turned on my flashlights. Most often when I needed a flashlight I did not have one on me and had to look everywhere in the house to find one.

Nowaday I carry two lights on me all the time. I demand a lot of light every time i use any of my my lights. And I constanly plan the extension of my growing collection :crazy: If it were any easier here in the outskirts of Europe I would already have considered a Customs or modded light. Right now I am lusting for a Ra Clicky, which I think also should be considered a production light. Maybe the craving for more exclusive Customs/Mods has not yet evolved in my case :D
Ah yes, the Maglite phase.

Mine was horrible. Every Maglite I bought turned out to be junk. My GE, 2D, disposable inca put out a better beam than the 3D stock Maglite I owned at the time.

Ironically, since becoming addicted to lights, the Maglites I buy now are more reliable. Only one has let me down.

Stock SF 6P
Stock SF C2
Stock E2E w/ KL4 head

SF M3 w/ 17500s
SF M3T w/ 17500s
SF M3T bored to fit 2x18500s
SF M4 w/ 2x18650 Leef Body
SF M4 bored to fit 2x18650
SF M96 weaponlight
SF M95 weaponlight w/ Malkoff M60
6P HA (1x18650 Leef Body + Malkoff M30)
3 x stock SF G2Ls (just in case)

My E2E w/ KL4 now runs on a 17670
The C2 now runs on a 17670 w/ a Malkoff M30

And I'm still resisting the urge to get an M6!!!

What have they done to me?!?!?!

Stock SF 6P
Stock SF C2
Stock E2E w/ KL4 head

SF M3 w/ 17500s
SF M3T w/ 17500s
SF M3T bored to fit 2x18500s
SF M4 w/ 2x18650 Leef Body
SF M4 bored to fit 2x18650
SF M96 weaponlight
SF M95 weaponlight w/ Malkoff M60
6P HA (1x18650 Leef Body + Malkoff M30)
3 x stock SF G2Ls (just in case)

My E2E w/ KL4 now runs on a 17670
The C2 now runs on a 17670 w/ a Malkoff M30

And I'm still resisting the urge to get an M6!!!

What have they done to me?!?!?!

Resistance is futile :devil:
Gee after hearing you guys talk about this I don't feel so bad. Here's my before & after:

Before -
Surefire L4
Surefire 6P
Innova X5 (old)
Gerber Infinity
Maglite 4d
Mini-Mag LED (2xAA)

Now -
same plus FM 2x18500 body and Malkoff M60L module

My wallet was already pretty much destroyed by Kifaru and other camping/hiking gear, plus I think I had a pretty good selection before I got here :D My wish list on the other hand is slightly swarming with stuff I want.

I am also building a small battery box but I'm not sure if that counts or not.
This is gonna be strange..

Maglite Solitaire

Fenix L0D
Led Lenser P6
Led Lenser P7

Also owned a LL P14 and P3 but sold them.

Where do I send the bill to CPF for this addiction ? hehe

CMG Infinity
Mag 2D
Mag 4D
Fulton anglehead
Various crap items too many to count

:crackup: I don't have that kind of time today!
Petzl Zipka
PT Blast

SF E1B + z68
SF E2DL x2
SF A2 red modded w strion kit
SF C2 w M60 + SW02
SF C2 w M60W + SW01 fatty :)rolleyes:)
SF C2 w extender + M30
SF G2 w M60L
SF G2 w M60WL
Ra Twisty 85TR
Spy 007
Arc-AAA x4

And this was all since last June!

Can you say off the deep end...? :broke:
I started with the old chrome body 2C and 2D lights as a kid, then about 25 years ago, I bought my first MiniMag 2AA, then a 3D Mag, then a Solitaire. For over two decades I honestly thought I had the best and brightest lights money could buy :)crackup:)...then I bought a NiteIze LED conversion for my MiniMag and I thought that was pretty cool. A few months later, the MiniMag LED was released and I decided to do some research to find out if it was any better than the NiteIze equipped one I already owned.

That lead me to which lead me to CPF. Of course I bought the 2AA MM LED (actually two of them), and a couple of the Mag LED drop-ins for the "D" lights, and figured I was set. But then I read about lights that are better and MUCH brighter...that caused me to buy many DX/KD cheapo LED lights, as well as countless other cheaper lights from various sources and manufacturers, some pretty good, others not so good. Then I bought a Surefire 6P, and a Cree drop-in from DX, which I thought was really cool.

Then I discovered the amazing Mr. Malkoff...bought a couple of "D" Mag drop-ins, a "C" Mag drop-in (Awesome!), then an M60 for the 6P (REALLY AWESOME!!!), then I got a yellow SF G2 and an M60L. Liked that one so much that I bought another M60L...and another G2 (camo) to put it in. Then I got a 9P for another M60 for the truck.

Then I got my first olive L1D Q5. Liked that so much, I got an L0D Q4, then a P2D body to use with the L1D head...liked that combo so much, I bought a P3D off BST, then another P2D CE, because it was on sale. Also had to get me a brand new brass Peak 1AA P4 Kino Bay, then I bought another brass Peak UV 1AA off of BST.

Somewhere in there, I gathered the necessary parts to put an ROP together (Mag 2D ROP High w/FM 6AA to 2D adapter, KD aluminum reflector, Boro lens and Duraloops) and most recently, the purchase of two vintage flashlights off ebay, one of which became my latest's a 75 year old Ray-O-Vac, with Low bulb, FM 6AA to 2D adaptor w/Duraloops, using stock metal reflector and glass lens.

Then there are ALL those rechargeable batteries, both NiMH and Li-Ion...and an AccuPower charger.

I'm ashamed to admit to most "sane" people I know, that I own several $100+ flashlights! :whistle:

All of that within the last year and a half! I guess you could say I've got it BAD!!! :shakehead

If only I hadn't bought that first NiteIze drop-in...

DAMN YOU CPF!!! :tsk:

Sure am tempted to get me a Nitecore EX10 with a GD Plus LED or maybe a Jetbeam... :help:

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