If your budget is $50 or so, and you have soldering capability, you can build a nice Seoul modded thrower with some readily available parts. This thread will give you an idea of how the mod would perform (beamshots)
http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?p=2116184. And this thread will give you an idea of what's involved in the mod.
Parts needed:
*2 or 3 (C/D) m@g host
*Litemania's P4 heatsink for C or D Mag from fenix store ($17).
*Seoul P4 U bin emitter from fenix store ($10) or the newer U2 bin from photonfanatic in the dealer forum $11. Photonfanatic also has arctic alumina thermal adhesive for mounting the emitter to the heatsink ($6.75)
*A multi-mode 7135 driver from DX or Kai found in the DIY flashlight section $3 or $4.
*A few short lengths of wire and some basic tools
It's a fairly simple mod that results in a fine thrower. And it should run fine on alkaline primaries or Nimh rechargeables.