<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by brightnorm:
Interesting that they don't give halogen runtime(s).
Brightnorm that's a good observation.
DavidW my recommendations for looking for a QUALITY spotlight is to look for burntime and not so much output and construction. WHy? becuase they all output pretty much the same visible light and they are all consdtructed from very tough, industrial grade plastics.
First off, with the experience i have had with my own Koehler-Bright Star/LSI 1 million CP spotlight, The damn thing is tough! I've dropped it a couple of times without cracking its lens or housing. THe ONLY problem i have had is its cheasy trigger switch - the protector broke off. (you know, like a gun has, that bridge it has connecting from the gun to the handle?)
Anyway, the reason i say to look for battery life is becuase it is THE most important part in a portable spotlight, IMHO. Think about it, how really useful is 15-25 minutes of 2-3 million CP? But how much more useful is 45minutes of 1 million CP? Especially when the differences between 1 million to 2 million CP isn't that great? Really it isn't.
If your go to Koehler-Bright Star/LSI website. And look at the runtimes of their various rechargeable spotlights, you will find the 1million CP spotlight, the one i have, THE MOST ECONIMICAL. A step above that is the 2 million CP spotlight and it only lasts 15-20mins - so does the 1.5million CP. AMzingly, if you step down to the 500,000 candlepower spotlight, IT only gets 20-25 minutes of light. THe one i have puts out light for a total of 40-50 minutes (true to my own observations), and very good bright light for 20-30 mins.
The other thing to look at is the options that are available. LSI has a whole slew of of options from covert filters, colored filters, external battery packs, and extra cords. If i were you I would stick to either LSI (or Brinkmann). Why? because they are the only seriously made lights that actually have a history. THe other lights are barnds i've never heard of. No real warrenty probably.
If you want a long lasting light go for the LSI. I've had mine now for over 2 years. It has seen A LOT of use, A LOT of abuse, and A LOT of charges. And i never had to replace the bulb OR battery yet. And the good thing is - if any of those two important things crap out - i know LSI is a real company and i can order spare parts from them directly. (i know i've asked them)
...i might add later but i'm tired. whew
P.S. when I hear you forum members talk amongst yourselves for the search of the most lumens (or candlepower) per hour/money, type of torch. I can't help but wonder why most of you won't invest in a spotlight. At it's intensity (55+ watts), i don't think beam patter really matters in my own experiences. And the size? Just attach a sholder strap and sling it on your back and it's out of your way. You know have a SERIOUSLY bright flashlight! Just ask my friends when we go camping!