Best AAA light with low low lumens.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 27, 2009
North Wales UK
Getting my head round all these little lights bit by bit now.

I have a use for a light with a fairly low lumens output but will give a long runtime,my ITP A3 would do it but need to switch from medium to low first so that is no good with sleepy eyes.

My kitchen and bathroom lights have flo tube lighting fitted and when I wake early some mornings I just want to see my way to the bathroom and usually pop into the kitchen for a drink.

As a decent night time light I need an excuse to buy another to add to the collection as my night time use light.

Was going to get the Fenix EO1 but you lot put me off with the beam and tint,any others at roughly that cost to look at.

Bill in North Wales UK
If you can get your hands on one, the Mako by Endeavour/Muyshondt is a very good low, low brightness AAA light. They were a small custom run but I have seen a few on BST for a very reasonable price.

I don't know exactly the drive levels, but it'll run for 20 hours on high and 60 on low, which gives you some idea of how bright (or dim) it is.
The Liteflux LF2XT has an extremely low low. And a very nice beam. It's a great light for late night house navigation.
Originally posted by McNair55:
I have a use for a light with a fairly low lumens output but will give a long runtime,my ITP A3 would do it but need to switch from medium to low first so that is no good with sleepy eyes.
I hate to make this inexpensive and simple fix/suggestion (I also have an ITP A3EOS, which is my EDC), but how about putting your right hand over the light emitting end of the flashlight while you turn it twice to the low-low setting? It is really simple and works like a charm--and it will save you from having to buy another flashlight. Then again, perhaps your real goal is to have an excuse to buy another flashlight?
Yeah depends how much you want to spend. You could always just buy a 50 cent fob that will give you a nice low light or find something like a chapstick cap that could fit over your ITP and act as a diffuser( I don't know if that would work but something in that vein might work).

I think the fenix E0 is a great call too although it may be hard to find, I have one and love it and would never part with it. It has a beautiful profile. The fenix E01 is of course nice too although not sure how dim you want.

Maybe a zebralight on low could be good too or maybe even a light with a red filter?
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If you don't mind using coin cells, the Photon Freedom or X-Light will last a long time, is quite inexpensive, and lets you adjust the brightness between extremely dim to fairly bright.
Not sure if maybe an Inova Bolt would be good for you?

Maybe a Maglite Solitaire, no chance of accidentally ruining your night vision with one of those! :crackup: