Best Glow-in-dark/Reflective Tape?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 2, 2005
What's the best Glow-in-dark/Reflective tape?

Needs to do both. What has longest glow time and is also reflective ? What's used on firefighter's jackets?

I've read about Glo-flex and I've read there is something better.

What is it?

Thanks for any help!

A good glow tape is usually not very reflective and a good reflective tape is usually horrible at glowing. Although we don't currently sell it, we are testing glow tapes from several manufacturers now.

Anyone who has bought from us knows that like to have the brightest stuff around and we are trying to determine who has that now. Within a month, you should see some tapes added to our product line.

Danny Clark
Glow Inc.
I appreciate the info, I understand the dilemma well....I was asking to know what products out there has made sufficient "progress" to be actually useful?

Basically, what are the other GID/reflective hybrid products besides "glo-flex" that are currently available ?

Thanks for all the quick replies....
What do you want to do with it?

You should get some Glo Flex and see what you think. If you look at the post GreenLED posted, near the end, there is another product, but I haven't looked at it.

I don't think there is much else out there that is a combo GID/reflective product. IMO the Glo Flex works reasonably within limitations. I'm not sure that it is feasable to make something much better due to the nature of the beast.

I think what I'll do is alternate small swatches of best GID and best reflector for my project.

Does anyone know if the self-adhesive GID sheets are the same as the ones on ? The picture seems to be identical.

Also, which is best GID? Is the Glo-Flex better (i.e. brighter and/or longer lasting) than the Glowreflect? How about compared to extreme glow?

Pajamas said:
Does anyone know if the self-adhesive GID sheets are the same as the ones on ? The picture seems to be identical.

Also, which is best GID? Is the Glo-Flex better (i.e. brighter and/or longer lasting) than the Glowreflect? How about compared to extreme glow?

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I don't have any experience with the glo-flex, but I have both the Extremeglow and the Ready-Set-Glo self adhesive glow paper sheets.

The Readysetglo sheet costs about $11.00, but is about 40% brighter than the Extremeglow, whose cost is about $3.00 per same size sheet. (approx).

The Readysetglow $11.00 sheet is also twice the thickness of the cheaper one.
Does the Readysetglow last longer or about the same time as the extremeglow? Is there anything else you get for the higher price difference besides the brightness other than what you mentioned?

Do you think the higher price is worth it (IYO)?

After using both types for a lotta nights, I prefer the more costly Readysetglow. They both will easily glow many hours-although not brightly-especially after 6 hours.

-Initially the Readysetglow is about 40% brighter, but after 8 hours, it's advantage is more like about 25% -not tremendous but still easily noticeable to dark adjusted eyes.

I like the product so well that I consider the $11.00 spent, a cheap price to pay for what the quality is.
Thanks for the info! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/goodjob.gif

The down side with the readysetglow is the shipping is so expensive!!

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/broke.gif - Ahhhh, such is the life of a CPF'r....
How about a group buy on the readysetglo product? I am almost out of the extreme glow sheet from the last group buy.
If you want good reflective tape, try to get some 3M SOLAS 1" tape. It's the same stuff they use on marine safety equipment.

I put some on the inside door frame and trunk of my cars and I can "spot" the stuff with a flashlight from all the way down the street.
Is that 3M SOLAS stuff reflective only? Is it similar to red-white reflective tape on trucks?

Do you know of a website/place to order from?

PJ-yep, it's only reflective, but it's good at what it does. It is similar to the red and white stuff, but I think it works better and at more angles than the generic stuff.

It's been a while since I bought my tape, but I'm sure googling it should turn up some stuff. Ebay is another great place for stuff like this if you can trust the seller.
Pajamas PMed me asking a bit more about the Gloflex and I figured I'd answer here the best I can.

I suspect he doesn't mind if I re-post the questions here.

1. Brightest yet longest lasting GID adhesive tape?
Glo-Flex, Glow Reflect, Extreme Glow

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Answer is I don't know. When I purchased my Extreme Glow, it was about the best thing on the block. However, I get the impression from this thread that the Readysetglow product is better. I defer to those who have seen them both. Also note that I haven't really done any studies on how long this stuff glows. However, others here have and I'd seek out that info if it is importaint to you. When I looked at this stuff, I figured I'd get as good as was around, but didn't dwell on it too much. I didn't have specific requirements. [Edit: I see that Vcal/Doug was the one who did the GID painting stuff (see link, below) and he recommended the Readysetglow stuff in this thread. If you read his painting post, you'll realize he knows a lot more about this than most of us and I'd take his recommendation to heart!]

2. Brightest reflective tape?
Reflexite, 3M SOLAS, that red/white truck tape, Glo-Flex
see the website

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Again, I don't really know. I get the impression that Reflexite (the stuff they put on trucks) is some of brightest. I link to their web site in the thread GreenLED referenced. HOWEVER, the upside is there are reflective standards that the serious stuff like Reflexite reports (how visible). So, if you really want, you can probably figure out which is brightest by looking up the spec sheets and comparing. The downside is that when you are buying something at a shop you need to determine what exactly it really is they are selling. Also, less serious stuff probably isn't going to be rated (but then again, I doubt any of these will be contenders for most visible).

Note on the web site you reference, go to Safety Reflective Tapes and then High Intensity Tapes. The stuff listed their is made by Reflexite and indicates it is 8-10x the stuff they have in their "engineering" products. It is available in 1-6" widths and various colors. Looks cool.

3. Hybrids like Glo-Flex: Are there any other options better that do both?

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Gloflex and Glowrelect are the only ones I know of. Gloflex is the only one I've tried. I doubt you are going to find many more options here.

If it helps, I plan to put long lasting GID on certain household objects (like fire extinguishers). I want to put the reflective tape on my Turboflares for more visibility. The reason I listed the hybrid Glo-Flex in both the GID and reflective questions is the possibility to put it on everything. But only if it is close in comparison. I would think there are better lasting GID than Glo-Flex as well as brighter reflectors too.

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Ah, finally something I may be able to help with!

This is exactly what I purchased Gloflex for. Ironically my main fire extinguisher has both Gloflex and Extremeglo on it.

I took and posted some pictures for you.

The first one is in the dark with freshly charged material. Top stripe is Gloflex, bottom is Extremeglo.

Second pic is in indirect light with flash activated. This shows the Gloflex really does it's job as a reflective material.

Third pic is in the light.

Bottom are closeups of Gloflex glowing, and in the light.

In the end, I have a couple of comments and observations.

1) IMO you are way overthinking this.

a) Almost any decent reflective tape will show up well when you shine a light on it. I would assume this means you have a smoke filled room and are flashing your flashlight around looking for the extinguisher.

b) The glow stuff might help, but I don't really think any of these are going to be glowing very much at 3AM after the lights have been out for hours.

c) If you are like me, your extinguisher is in a place that doesn't allow it to charge well anyway.

d) Hopefully your extinguisher is mounted somewhere and never moves. You should be able to find it w/o being able to see.

e) If things are bad you don't need your extinguisher, you need to get out!

f) There is limited amount of space on the extinguisher that doesn't have writing. Personally I don't think you should cover that. That makes using seperate GID/reflective materials difficult.

2) Gloflex works fine for this purpose. If you look at the photos, I think Gloflex is the perfect solution for this problem. It reflects peachy. It glows ok. It sticks good and is nice and wide. Also, if it is good enough for fire-fighters, it is good enough for me! :)

3) Gloflex is thick and stiff. It is fine for fire extinguishers and flat surfaces, but not for small diameter stuff. So, for example, it doesn't wrap around flashlights well. Extremeglow wraps well, but it does tend to come off over time and isn't as durable as Gloflex and the other "plastic" type reflective materials. Glowreflect looks a lot more flexible, but I haven't tried it. I suspect it would be just peachy for this application as well. In the end, it is a real pain to get anything to stick well to small diameter stuff.

4) The Turboflares might be a bit of a special case. I would probably try to get some Reflexite and cut it to fit an the parts of the base that face traffic. GID material isn't going to help here at all. Then, maybe cut some GID material (one "square" of the Glowreflect would probably be good) and stick it on the top of the unit and the bottom of the unit to aid finding it in your car trunk.

5) I think the 3M SOLAS stuff that Flownosaj recommends is probably good, but I'd go larger than 1" if the application allows. I tend to like 2" for most things, larger for use in traffic. In the dog walkig threads I list the reflective vest I use. The reflective material around the waist is 3.5". When it comes to traffic bigger and brighter is better IMO!

6) If I didn't use Gloflex on my fire extinguisher, I'd probably just use a 2" strip of a good reflective material like Reflexite.

7) If you wanted to get really carried away, there was a post [EDIT: I found it. Here it is.] about how to mix glow powder with clear paint. I guess you could put a 2" strip of Reflexite on the extinguisher, and paint the rest with a clear paint with the GID material in it. As long as you didn't go too thick, you could probably still read all the instructions and stuff. Might be cool actually. I'd mask off the Reflexite and guage when painting. Actually, paint might stick to the small diameter parts better, anyway. I'd practice on something other than the fire extinguisher first tho. :)

8) You might also consider a blinking LED by your emergency equipment as well. I suspect a blinking LED hooked up to a couple of "D" cells would run darn well forever.

9) Ok, maybe I'm overthinking this too! :)

A big THANKS! to John N. and Greenlight (he PM'd me some info). Especially thanks for the pics!! They do make it easier to understand (even if a camera doesn't do justice to some things).
/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/goodjob.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/kewlpics.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thanks.gif

As always, there are some very smart and knowledgeable people on CPF (even if it is only a hobby!)./ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bowdown.gif

I emailed the Identi-Tape folks about the reflectors that I mentioned above. Here's what they said:

"The high-intensity silver is the brightest by quite a bit. It measures up to 800 cp./lux/sq.m. The SOLAS meets a minimum of 250, and the ODOT C-2 red/white conspicuity [tape on trucks] meets a minimum of 300 (each of the last two to meet their respective certifications)."

John - You are right, I am overthinking this. I have learned from experience that research is key to getting exactly what you want. Especially in the Internet age where there are so many options available.

PS - I never thought of searching for the dog threads! Very interesting gave me some more ideas... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/naughty.gif

Thanks to all.
Pajamas, good info on the reflectivity. I might have to pick some of that stuff up.

I found the specs on the Glo-flex web site about their reflectivity:


Reflectivity Figures as Tested by UL
Product Condition
Original 584 cd/lux/m2
After Heat Exposure 258 cd/lux/m2
After Rainfall 470 cd/lux/m2

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Well that helps comparing then....

Looks like the Reflexite High Intensity is brighter than the Glo-Flex which is brighter than the red/white truck tape which is barely brighter than the SOLAS tape.

I think a tritium locator would be the best option for a fire extinguisher. Might impress the firemen after they are done with your home.
John N also got it right about the reflectors. Almost anything sold that is advertised as a retroreflector will be visible at night. Colored reflectors are rated and reflect at different levels, mostly lower than pure white. You can buy retroreflectors at craft stores and sewing stores. The ribbons with the glass bead reflectors are really bright and are easily sewn onto clothes. You can even cut away the colored part and sew thru the reflector.

Entire bolts of vinyl retroreflect can be bought at the fabric store. There are 2 different types, neither super reflective, but can be 2yds wide, so you could make an entire outfit. It is 10$ /yd.

Check out the stuff on the traffic cones. You can drive around at night and turn your lights on and off and check out some osha approved reflective material. (don't get busted). You can see how reflexite wears/weathers with use.

In reality, only a little bit of reflector is needed for night safety. I have personally almost ran down someone who was wearing all black at night with no reflectors on at all. It scared ME to death and the lesson I learned is to wear reflectors when I go out at night. Reflectors can save your life.