Could anyone give any advice on the best light housing fo the farthest throw. I only one that i know of is the Lightforce blitz 240, are there any that compare to it?
The Costco HID / Amondotech Titanium Mega Illuminator (still can't get over how unbelievably over the top and stupid that name is) has a rather poor quality (inconsistant) reflector. The Blitz reflector isn't exactly great, but it is a lot better than all the cheap Chinese spots out there.
When compared to the Thor 15mcp, the Professional's Favorite 17.5mcp's reflector is deeper, larger in diameter, and has a smaller flat area at the back where the bulb is.
It looks about the same as the one in the Titanium Mega (I saw the pic on Battery Junction) so might it be good for hubbytuby?
I imagine it would be pretty good then depending on what he's trying to accomplish.
If you were my buddy Mark, I'd ask you to build me a custome blitz. What's ol'e hubbytuby trying to do...."one up" you under the table or something? To that I would say "good luck!"
A custom Opti-Forms electroformed reflector in any of the above mentioned housings is the key .