Best Luxeon bin for 3 alkaline direct drive?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 5, 2003
The crazy guy next door
I've never really taken the time to figure out the bin codes for Luxeons. I want to drive a Lux III at about 1 amp with just a resistor from 3 alkaline D batteries. Can somebody please tell me what the best bin would be for me to buy for this? Maybe not the BEST, but what I'm most likely to find that will work well... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
J-Bin, if for very short run time (<1min) and u're crazy like me.
K-Bin, what most ppls used.
L-Bin, safest bet.
Look here web page . I recommend this seller highly. FWIW I have made quite a few direct drive M@gs 3d with no resistor using his TV1L emitters. They are nice!
maninblack said:
Look here web page . I recommend this seller highly. FWIW I have made quite a few direct drive M@gs 3d with no resistor using his TV1L emitters. They are nice!

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I agree with mainblack. Photonfanatic is the man when it come to price, packaging, and fast shipping.
I used K bins with good heat transfer. It's go with no problem with 1000 mA DD.
Alright, I bought a TW0K from Photonfanatic. Still a little confused about the bin though...can somebody explain?
T - 67-87 lumens - right?
W - White?
0 - ??
K - 3.51-3.75 volts
GarageBoy said:
W0 is a shade of white

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Is that what says if it's greenish or bluish? I'm assuming W0 is a good shade since I see it all the time around here... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
WO is as white as white gets, if the luxeon that you have is true to its binning.

What you got should do very nicely for DD on alkalines. If you wanted to go with NiMH, I'd have gone for an L Vf.
Great...thanks guys! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/thumbsup.gif Fer now it's just going to be DD on alkaline Ds, but when I get around to it I'm going to add a driver and some NiMh.
Sand down the led mount pedestal a little to make sure the led slug makes a good thermal contact with the heatsink.
This will improve the led's thermal handling during your alkaline D cell's first few minutes of use.

Welcome to my world BC /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/bowdown.gif
Drop me a pm anytime you have questions about this mod.
I have been down that old road many times already this year.

Save yourself some guesswork and some $$ and go the nicad route with that TWOK. has the nicad D cells and Vanson BC-1HU charger you need to make that thing run like a champion. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif