best luxeon spotlight under 4.5 inches


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 5, 2005
what do you think is the best luxeon spotlight (alot of throw) under $70 dollars: litepro spitfire, longbow micra, nuwai Q3, other.

-David /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
One of the best throwing LED flashlights in that general price range is from CPF r Third Shift Lights. He makes them from m g bodies, and adds a bright Luxeon, etc. to make it all work. Very good throw for the price.

Under 4.5 inches - no.

The challenge is that most lights need a large reflector (nominal 2 inch or so) to really get the throw from an LED. Believe me, I have tried to break this challenge, and continue to be haunted by it.

You can also check TNC products and Electrolumens - both offer pretty inexpensive lights packages.

Please keep in mind, $ 70 is around / below materials cost to build these. I have a small run light I am working on, and my cost for a simple light will be over $100, and it will not throw like you are after.
well, thats not nessisarily true, you can add optics, tiros for example, and have good throw on a small light. But its very hard to mod a light with tiros.

cheapo said:
what do you think is the best luxeon spotlight (alot of throw) under $70 dollars: litepro spitfire, longbow micra, nuwai Q3, other.

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The Q3 and Micra have the same throw, but the Micra has much better regulation. The Q3 will stay in regulation for around 45 minutes while the Micra will stay in regulation for 70 minutes. The Micra, however, is $85.

Take a look at the Inova T1. It's cheaper than the Q3, has the same throw, and has a regulated runtime of 90 minutes.
From 03/07/05 07:17 PM [ QUOTE ]
cheapo said:
what do you think is the best luxeon spotlight (alot of throw) under $70 dollars: litepro spitfire, longbow micra, nuwai Q3, other.

-David /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

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From 03/06/05 07:17 PM [ QUOTE ]
cheapo said:
what is the best 1xcr123 luxeon < $70? with a lot of throw?

-David /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

[/ QUOTE ]
From 03/04/05 09:14 AM [ QUOTE ]
cheapo said:
which luxeon lights throw best under 5.5 inches?

-David /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

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From 03/03/05 10:14 PM [ QUOTE ]
cheapo said:
I want a small light (under 4.5inches), luxeon high dome (I or III), has ALOT of throw, and is under $70.

-David /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

[/ QUOTE ]
From 02/28/05 05:03 PM [ QUOTE ]
cheapo said:
I want to get a small luxeon light that is very bright and has little sidespill. Basically, I want a spotlight under 4.5 inches. Under $80. any suggestions? thanks

-David /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

[/ QUOTE ]
From 02/03/05 07:00 PM [ QUOTE ]
cheapo said:
hey, I would like an LED light for under $70. With alot of throw or overall output. Which light is best? thanks.

-David <font color="blue"> </font>

[/ QUOTE ]
Your question seems to be becoming a bit redundant. I imagine the answers will remain the same until some new lights reach the market.
I'll throw out two suggestions. I don't know if these have been offered the other times you've asked this question.

1. A good bin Nuwai Q3 with RCR123 batteries (should be under $70 with batteries and charger). This should have over 2x the throw of a regular Q3.

2. The new Pelican M1 LED, also with the RCR123 batteries. Total speculation here, as I have not seen good specs or reviews yet, Pelican makes good reflectors, and it looks like the biggest reflector I know of on a single cell LED light. Big reflectors (or optics) are the key to throw. I'm also assuming that it doesn't have regulation (the regular M6 LED doesn't either) so the RCR123s should up the output like in the Q3.
Out later this month:

I don't know of a stock 2x 123 light that's under 4.5" in length, so I think you're stuck with one cell, and those are the top of that pile in your price range...
The LEDxtreme Predator throws ffffaarrrr for a 2x 123A Luxeon. Further than the P60/61 LA.
petevb said:
I'll throw out two suggestions. I don't know if these have been offered the other times you've asked this question.

1. A good bin Nuwai Q3 with RCR123 batteries (should be under $70 with batteries and charger). This should have over 2x the throw of a regular Q3.

2. The new Pelican M1 LED, also with the RCR123 batteries. Total speculation here, as I have not seen good specs or reviews yet, Pelican makes good reflectors, and it looks like the biggest reflector I know of on a single cell LED light. Big reflectors (or optics) are the key to throw. I'm also assuming that it doesn't have regulation (the regular M6 LED doesn't either) so the RCR123s should up the output like in the Q3.
Out later this month:

I don't know of a stock 2x 123 light that's under 4.5" in length, so I think you're stuck with one cell, and those are the top of that pile in your price range...

[/ QUOTE ]

Excellent suggestion regarding the Pelican M1 LED. It will be relatively small, cheap (but reasonably well made), and if it has the same reflector as the PM6 LED it should throw relatively well for its size. Cheapo seems to want an Arc LSH size light with the throw of a Surefire M4 with turbo head and the price of a PM6 LED (I know I'm exagerating, but you get my point), and that is simply not possible my opinion says.

If Cheapo can settle on good (but not great) throw, good (but not great size), and reasonable fit and finish than I think the Pelican M1 LED might fit the bill once its available. Nobody has seen one yet, so its impossible to say, but if its anything like the PM6 LED it should throw well for its size and price range my opinion says.
Hey I am right here, you dont need to talk about me in third person - "cheapo wants an arc lsh and throw of M4" - come on. Anybody want an M1 spec sheet? IT IS REGULATED. I have a spec sheet if you want it. let me know.

hey TREEK13, you are right about the redundancy. I'll keep it to a minimum.

I'd like to see the M1 spec sheet. Why don't you post it here.
cheapo said:
Hey I am right here, you dont need to talk about me in third person - "cheapo wants an arc lsh and throw of M4" - come on. Anybody want an M1 spec sheet? IT IS REGULATED. I have a spec sheet if you want it. let me know.

hey TREEK13, you are right about the redundancy. I'll keep it to a minimum.


[/ QUOTE ]

I don't understand what you mean by third person. Are you saying you prefer I call you by your name David to avoid third person?

Anyway, no disrespect meant. If you prefer I not call you by your screen name, just say so.
@357 no, no. You said "cheapo is expecting too much"- you could have said "cheapo, you are expecting too much"- seeing that I started the post, but I misenterpreted it. Keep calling me cheapo. sorry bout that.

-David /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif
cheapo said:
@357 no, no. You said "cheapo is expecting too much"- you could have said "cheapo, you are expecting too much"- seeing that I started the post, but I misenterpreted it. Keep calling me cheapo. sorry bout that.

-David /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh, okay. Just wanted to make sure you knew I mean no offense. Sorry my wording was off.

Anyway, regarding the Pelican M1...specs say 26 lumens, which is on the low side I feels. Certaintly less than 41 lumens of Pelican M6 LED.

Even with that said, I still think it will make a good light for you, as its inexpensive and has good throw for the size (assuming same reflector as big brother M6 LED).

Off topic a bit I am, but anyone notice the M3 LED Pelican? Same style as the M6 LED, but 3-cells, I wonder if the lumen rating will be around 50 since it uses Lux-3 if memory is working right.
heres the spec sheet:

M1 LED # 2310

A CNC machined aluminum LED flashlight powered by a single CR123 lithium cell. The M1 features a focused one watt Luxeon LED beam, actuated by a push button switch. The lithium cell provides excellent cold weather performance and a shelf life of ten years.

Body & Head: CNC machined aluminum, knurled and anodized finish, laser-etched logos
Lamp: 1W Luxeon Side Emitter LED
Reflector: Vacuum Metallized CNC machined aluminum
Lens : Polycarbonate Resin
Contacts: Stainless Steel
O-Rings: 226,EP 70 Shore/24,EP 70 Shore, Ethylene-Propylene
Switch Type: Push Button Constant On/Off


one "CR123" Lithium battery loaded from rear of flashlight

Minimum: 2.3 Hrs. of >80% efficiency
Approx. 3 Hrs. of total run time

1.00 3.00

26 lumens

0.24 Lbs. (0.108 kg)

# 2310C - Carded with Battery and Holster


2310-000-110, Black Boxed with Batteries and Holster
no offence taken. the M1 is a side emmiter, does that mean flood as apposed to spot?

cheapo said:
no offence taken. the M1 is a side emmiter, does that mean flood as apposed to spot?


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Side emmitters definitely I feel have more flood, but with a good reflector this might change I don't know though. My fear with side emitters is beam quality, every side emitter I have is loaded with artifacts (Ever LEDs, Mini-star-2s, etc). I hope the M1 has the standard light orange peel reflector that the M6 does, to eliminate some of the major artifacts.

Also foudn this site below on M1:
Cheapo- the spec sheet you list doesn't mention the light being regulated. Did you get that from somewhere else or are you inferring that? I'm a little surprised if it is, as the more expensive standard M6 LED doesn't have regulation.

The side emitter should help *throw* at the expense of spill, which should suit your purposes. This is because a side emitter throws most of its light sideways directly at the reflector, where it can be captured and focused. The spill beam is caused by light that misses the reflector and goes straight out the front. A high dome emitter is designed to throw lots of it's light forward, where it can miss the reflector, and a side emitter is designed for the opposite.

The fact that it's a Luxeon I instead of a Lux III is a pity, but it doesn't mean the Q3 will out throw it. The M6 is a Lux I as well, and has a 50% brighter hotspot. Also with 2.3 hours to 80% you can infer the LED is under-driven, so it should there should be plenty of room to turn it up. If it is a regulated light it (like the longbow, etc) will not get brighter with the RSR123s, and it will be out-thrown by the Q3 with Lithium Ions.

My guess is that they changed the reflector from the M6 to take advantage of the side emitter. Mine's on order, so I can tell you in a month or so...
treek13 said:
From 03/07/05 07:17 PM [ QUOTE ]
cheapo said:
what do you think is the best luxeon spotlight (alot of throw) under $70 dollars: litepro spitfire, longbow micra, nuwai Q3, other.

-David /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

[/ QUOTE ]
From 03/06/05 07:17 PM [ QUOTE ]
cheapo said:
what is the best 1xcr123 luxeon < $70? with a lot of throw?

-David /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

[/ QUOTE ]
From 03/04/05 09:14 AM [ QUOTE ]
cheapo said:
which luxeon lights throw best under 5.5 inches?

-David /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

[/ QUOTE ]
From 03/03/05 10:14 PM [ QUOTE ]
cheapo said:
I want a small light (under 4.5inches), luxeon high dome (I or III), has ALOT of throw, and is under $70.

-David /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

[/ QUOTE ]
From 02/28/05 05:03 PM [ QUOTE ]
cheapo said:
I want to get a small luxeon light that is very bright and has little sidespill. Basically, I want a spotlight under 4.5 inches. Under $80. any suggestions? thanks

-David /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smirk.gif

[/ QUOTE ]
From 02/03/05 07:00 PM [ QUOTE ]
cheapo said:
hey, I would like an LED light for under $70. With alot of throw or overall output. Which light is best? thanks.

-David <font color="blue"> </font>

[/ QUOTE ]
Your question seems to be becoming a bit redundant. I imagine the answers will remain the same until some new lights reach the market.

[/ QUOTE ]

hey cheapo, it does seem these are simular questions. according to cpf etiquite, it's not good to post simular threads.

I answer almost the exact same question earlier. as did several others.

if you have further simular questions, please ask in the same thread.

FYI, spec's sheets mean equat! actually using one is what counts.

Some of my best lights are side-emitters. yes they do give off more of a flood beam in a reflector designed for a HD.

the fab. PK-1 uses an Xbin side emitter.