Best optic and reflector for lux3.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 24, 2004
I've been trying to compare optics and reflectors lately to see which provides the tightest hotspot in each group. What's the difference between a fraen and fraen LP optic? How much better is a 30mm compared to them and what is a tiros optic? As far as reflectors I know of there's a 17mm , 20mm and a 27mm but since I don't have any of them I don't know which is best for my needs.
As for reflectors, the 27mm will give you a very tight hotspot with good sidespill. The 20mmm has a slightly less concentrated hotspot w better spill. The 17mm gives a good hotspot with very very good sidespill. So..the hotspot gets tighter with the bigger reflector. But many people find that the 17 and 20mm reflectors are the most practical for multiple usage.

The 30mm optic is very nice but has poor sidespill and can be diffcult to get aligned correctly. The NX05 is OK but many consider it outdated. Fraen is very good.
there is always the 2 degree carclo optic /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
it's in the review section and it's by oddone right now.