best way to charge 4 x 4000 mah nimh cells ?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 29, 2008
i have a triton 1 charger and 4 of these cells, 1120

when i stacked them end to end (parallel) ? they only took about 8 minutes on the trition and it said they were full.

doubting my results i am now charging them individually, and they are charging forever (over an hour each)?

the triton is managing things automatically but it looks like its charging at 1.6A?

anyone care to give me a quick and dirty explanation about why there is such a HUGE difference in charge time, in 20 words or less?

ive searched for nimh and charging in series and parallel, and charge rates and conditioning charges, but cant make a definitive decision about whats going on ?

any help appreciated.:thinking: