I noticed a lot of people use different aperatures and shutter speeds for various beamshots. Is there supposed to be a standard?
Here are a few practice shots.... I know my apartment is too small to get far enough away to take a picture, and there arent any good blank walls. My camera is a canon powershot SD850. Suggestions?
headlamp (soon to be upgraded):
The problem with these lights is that within 5 feet, they are plenty bright for any application, but then it exponentially fades out with distance :thumbsdow
Here are a few practice shots.... I know my apartment is too small to get far enough away to take a picture, and there arent any good blank walls. My camera is a canon powershot SD850. Suggestions?
headlamp (soon to be upgraded):
The problem with these lights is that within 5 feet, they are plenty bright for any application, but then it exponentially fades out with distance :thumbsdow