Best Wide Beam Bright flashlight or lantern?



Looking for a wide beam flashlight or lantern for my wife to take camping. Needs to have good battery life and a wide bright beam with decent reach.
Any ideas?
I have a SF G2 and like the width and throw but the batteries would last long enough with a group of women using it to go to the outhouse. Also have SL 4AA 7LED and like the flood pattern but it has no reach.
Might I suggest picking up just the SL 4AA Xenon lamp/lens? I believe it is a direct drop-in replacement for the SL 4AA 7LED lamp you already have. Take a look at the body of your 7LED and I think you will see the part number for the Xenon lamp assembly. My SL 4AA Xenon body lists both the LED and Xenon replacments.

The SL 4AA Xenon is my favorite flashlight. Almost as small as a 2AA, feels nice in the hand, excellent beam with no rings or dark-spots, and you get around 3 hours on a fresh set of alkalines. Somewhere on this board I read that putting lithiums in will blow the lamp, so stick with alkalines (or rechargables).

I'll say this, my wife just loves our SL 4AA Xenon; if that is any indication. I bought it with the neon yellow body, which we both think looks cool. :)
Good suggestion.
The one my wife and her friends like now is a Dewalt 9.6 volt flexible head light. I'm looking for an excuse to get a new light that's why I wanted ideas for a replacement for the dewalt.
Been looking at UK D8 and King Pelican.
If you do get the King Pelican, please post your opinions on CPF. I've been eyeing that one on for some time, and would like to know how good it is.

Don't blame you for wanting another light. I've been biten by the lite-bug really bad. :-O
Originally posted by Harlequin:
to take camping...good battery life and a wide bright beam with decent reach.
...using it to go to the outhouse.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">I might make a wife has been camping now for several years and really loves the Infinity for much of the lighting needs. She has an Ultra now and loves it!

The reason she loves it is that she can hang it around her neck and let it light up the path on the way to the outhouse...or whatever. It's hands free, not too bright (not disturbing other campers) and when she's in the tent for changing clothes or whatever, it just lights up a small pool of light around her feet (ensuring a measure of privacy). Ultra on a lanyard, around the neck and another light in the pocket or whatever for long throw (we use the UK 4AA AS2 for this).

When I read my post to my wife (for editorial process
), her reply was "I wouldn't go camping without my Infinity!".

For your stated purposes, I would not recommend the UK D8 ... it is primarily a dive light, and gets HOT when left on for extended periods. I believe the same is true for the King Pelican (I have never used one, so it is just a guess).

Battery life and weight is also a consideration (you did not state if your camping trips include extended hiking).

A recommendation off the top of my head might be an Energizer ArcWhite light. The CCFL tube is sufficient for an area light, and the spotlight is pretty good for a 4aa krypton. There are also other combination style lights available from other manufacturers.

Although I'm sure you will get suggestions for high-end lights, since your wife and her friends will be the ones using it, perhaps a less expensive light would be in order.

Good luck!!
How about a PT Surge? Good throw. Not so good flood. 2-4 hours run time.