Welcome Mad, your right...and I didn`t see how many volts it wants to get the 30 lumen 300 ma rating...maybe 24 volts...two car batts...or one hell of a step-up.
But I must point out that the LS white would likely be a pile of melted goop before it put out 30 lumen (I wonder what the Shark is capable of if overdriven) and I`m sure this company has plans for improvement too.
As I understand it, thier useing a differant approach...many (50) micro super bright led`s compacted into a small space, hooked up in groups and in series...this explains the lack of heat build up and the higher volt requirments...sort of like...instead of a turbo charged single piston engine thier making a 8. I wonder how many lumens it would put out at 6 volt or if it would light at all.
But I don`t think they could beat the LS price...was it $6.50 or $4.50 per unit (1000 unit purchase required).
One nice thing is the step-ups, regulators and pulse modulators are selling in the $1.5 to $3.5 range depending on manufacture and specs...by the time they trickle down to Wally World a nice powerfull led flashlight should sell for less than twenty bucks (Hmm, I heard a romour that Mag-lite was going to unvail something new soon). And I hope that day is not to far off
Anyway, I thought our members would find it interesting and it`s great to see this competition.
I wonder what Nichia will surprise us with
Welcome again and hope you post often.