Better Than MYO 3?


Apr 25, 2008
High Desert, CA
Is there a new light that will out perform my MYO 3 (old blue/yellow) with regards to output, run time and quality? Prefer AA light and don't use in very cold weather so a remote battery pack is unnecessary. Want variable light levels and a healthy long distance spot. I am used to LED's option for close work so that would be a plus.
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Whats' the scoop on their Ultra series? They look like they sacrifice the close up flood lighting. I never noticed them until today. :shrug:
every "better" led headlamp will easily outperform the (imho bad) halogen/led Myos.

To stay with the same batts and size:
* Priceton Tech Apex ...probably the best of the breed
* Silva led headlamps ...somehow almost comparable to Apex
other batts:
smaller --> Princeton tech EOS ... best 3 AAA headlamp
small --> Streamlight Argo HP (can run on rechargeable 17650 Li-Ion cell)

unfortunately there is no headlamp that is really to recommend, I dont know one.
I find the level choice of the Apex silly (runtime/output-wise), the EOS has too small batts,
the perfect light were one sized between Apex and EOS, with the battery carrier of the Apex, three levels (runtime: 3, 7-10, 30-50 hours) and featuring the better emitters already.
Because in the moment You have the mod most any headlight with a Cree/Seoul because they all still feature Luxeons.

PS: the newer Petzls are ok.
More a kind of direct drive output (dimishing brightness with increasing runtime), but thats only important for us geeks.
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disagree about the PT Apex being the best as several recent threads have
pointed out incidents of the bezel hinges breaking, battery cases cracking when dropped, and the bezel housing cracking around the screw holes.
But hey, its a very pretty HL and real bright.
But so is the new Petzl Myo Xp ( ok its not pretty) but no reports of structural
issues, and it costs less, weighs less and switches from spot to flood with a
quick swipe of you hand.