Biden's last minute Preemptive Pardons of the Deep State

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Giving someone a pardon for crimes not convicted of yet may get struck down in court should these individuals be found guilty in court of their crimes later down the road. The president's powers as president do not extend into the future once he has left office. If the person was not charged with a crime under the time of the current administration, how can a president pardon the person when there was no crime? However, if that person gets charged during the next administration, a pardon from the previous president would be null and void. He isn't the president and doesn't have the power to pardon anymore.

What pardoning these individuals now does do is strip them of their 5th Amendment protection against self incrimination. They will be before the next Congress forced to testify to their crimes under oath. Then when these pardons get struck down in court, they'll all go to jail.
How the Hell do you pre-emptively pardon someone? What utter nonsense! That particular Executive power needs to be removed entirely or curtailed severely to eliminate a President from pardoning family members and those whom he has a personal relationship with. With a limit of 10 people per term who can be pardoned.
How the Hell do you pre-emptively pardon someone? What utter nonsense! That particular Executive power needs to be removed entirely or curtailed severely to eliminate a President from pardoning family members and those whom he has a personal relationship with. With a limit of 10 people per term who can be pardoned.
Nobody until Joe Biden has ever pardoned someone for a crime not yet convicted of. We are in uncharted waters. It will get challenged in court and struck down. They put Trump through the courts determining what acts were considered Presidential or as a private citizen for the basis of his immunity. With that line drawn, they'll determine that a pardon for a conviction after the term of the president is over is worthless, as the president would then be a private citizen and when the pardon was issued, the person wasn't convicted of anything to pardon.
im going to befreind trump then steal all ya flashlights i mean everyone and then im going to make goofy faces at ya cats then ill ask for a pardon
im going to befreind trump then steal all ya flashlights i mean everyone and then im going to make goofy faces at ya cats then ill ask for a pardon
We'd see you coming a mile away at night and let the dogs out. Good luck. A pardon doesn't bring back what a Doberman bites off.
i dont like trump but i trust you all are smarter then me and made the right choice guess time will tell. hey maybe eggs will be affordable again or some kind of protien. maybe he will rid the country of thugs and gangs
Now the drug cartels are designated as terrorist organizations, does this mean after Mexico let in 20 million illegals invade the U.S., we get to invade Mexico to go after the cartels?
Sadly Great Britain is going down the toilet. ...
One of the reasons is the Brexit. A lot people are not allowed to work in UK anymore after Brexit, they were EU residents...
I wish the USA all the best for the next 4 years, and I fully respect this vote. But I have one advice as someone that sees what is happening from the 'outside' with an unfiltered view: Take care of your democracy!

I am saying this because of a very nice saying: The people should never fear the government, but the government should fear the people.

The only reason why I am posting to this USA internal topic is because of Mr. Musk interferes at the moment the german election that will be at Febuary 23rd. He is posting stuff at X about german topics that are 100% false.
No one outside a country should influence an election, even if he is the richest man in the world an living in the USA!
Using terms like "deep state" isn't helpful. When I first heard that he is pardoning members of his own family, it struck me as disgusting. Then I did a little research. These are pre-emptive pardons and they apply to people that Trump has already threatened to take revenge on. He is a vindictive man, he has previously stated that he could have sent Hillary Clinton to jail, and that he didn't only because he is a nice man. Both claims are false. He will try to take revenge on his critics, General Milley referred to Trump as a fascist, Fauci stood up to Trump, others attacked Trump too.

Whatever you think of Trump, this is a man who lies habitually, and he was found guilty of sexual assault, and fraud. Remember he encouraged the storming of the capitol, and for a long time falsely claimed that the Trump Biden election was stolen.

I suspect many people are very frightened of what Trump might do to honest people out of sheer narcissistic revenge.
Oh, please. You need to stop repeating what you've heard and do your own research. If you're that unwilling or uneducated to think that the Biden Machine wasn't the most corrupt political family in history, then you're part of the bigger problem that thankfully got Trump elected.

Whatever Trump has been accused of never meant he sold-out the country for monetary gain. Do your research and get your facts straight.
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