Flashaholic brother and his weird lighting needs again /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/jpshakehead.gif so he asks... the family flashaholic... at your service! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
What he wants now is a way to hold a small light with his teeth/mouth. I pointed out the Nite Ize Lite Bite, but AFAIK that's too large to hold an AAA-light (such as the Mag Solitaire, or maybe an Arc-AAA/Peak light, which what he'll likely be using it with).
Any ideas where I can get an AAA-sized biting holders for him? Or maybe an alternative solution to fit an AAA light? Or a completely different solution (he needs to have both hands free and can't use a headlamp).
I just tried biting the Kroll on an Arc LS, and something similar would work nicely. The Arc LS is not something I'm considering right now, though, 'cuz my bro lives where 123's are neither readily available nor cheap.
What he wants now is a way to hold a small light with his teeth/mouth. I pointed out the Nite Ize Lite Bite, but AFAIK that's too large to hold an AAA-light (such as the Mag Solitaire, or maybe an Arc-AAA/Peak light, which what he'll likely be using it with).
Any ideas where I can get an AAA-sized biting holders for him? Or maybe an alternative solution to fit an AAA light? Or a completely different solution (he needs to have both hands free and can't use a headlamp).
I just tried biting the Kroll on an Arc LS, and something similar would work nicely. The Arc LS is not something I'm considering right now, though, 'cuz my bro lives where 123's are neither readily available nor cheap.