Black LEDs and Black Polymer



hello folks
A year or s ago there was a short article in an English Electronics trade publication about Black LEDs and the possiblity of Black Polymers, ie devices or substances that absorb light when energised.
It wasnt an article published in April, so it wasnt a joke, but the story appeared and then vanished, and I cant find anything about the technology.
Has anybody heard anything about this at all?
regards malcolm

LED Headlamps and UK Sea Angling
Anything black absorbs all light within the visual spectrum. Different colors exists because they absorb particular frequencies of light and reflect others. Darkness is not a form of energy, nor can it even be entered into an equation. It has no quantum properties.
Hmm, sounds like a twist of the dark sucker theory...that light isn`t emitted...darkness is sucked up.

I think the fact that you haven`t heard anything more about it should tell us`s a joke or just plain nonsense...although I have an Infinity which might be mistaken for a dark emitter.