Board out voltage at 11 volts?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2007
Naoussa Greece
greetings all!

Yesterday I tried to replace the board of my Huntlight FT-02 with this one

Before instaling it I hooked it up and I got 11Volts! Under load the Vf was 8 though I sacrified a Lux III for this...

I guess Vf without load is always different from Vf under load and I confirmed this with a MTE C2 driver. But how can on earth I get this big a voltage with the Dx board? (though I am not that suprised)

enjoy all, Kostas
Surely a 700mA LED driver would ramp up the voltage until 700mA flows through the circuit, so when you put a DMM on it it'd put out the highest voltage it can (though it still wont manage to get 700mA through the DMM).
Atleast, that's my uninformed and completely ignorant guess...
Maybe it would be better to get a suitably sized resistor and measure how many mA the driver will put through it...