
Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 23, 2001
Atlanta, GA>> The Flashlight that was broken shall
You never heard it from me - I am not responcible for this news
but it has been said that surefire is yet again increasing its prices
. I hope they use the money for R&D on a E3e!
.....yet another in the increasingly long line of boneheaded moves from sf.
It's supposed to be by about 12% but the prices on their web site haven't changed yet.
Someone ought to break the news to Aragorn:
(Pssst... Surefire is not the only source of decent lights. Shhhh.) And you never heard it from me.
ROFLMAO, Stainless, that's the best signature line I've seen in a long time.
we should send them emails letting them know how we feel. but i don't think we're their biggest customer, probably leo and government.
"...i don't think we're their biggest customer"
I thought that Size15s is their biggest customer.

Ya'll be safe. I'll return in a few weeks.
No no - Arc ain't shabby neither. And I never said I cared about the increase- I have a freind who gives me just pennys above dealer price. It's you who should care.
Oh and it starts jan. 1 so you still have time to get that dominator for $290 and m6 for $250.
Not right now I'm not!

I'm waiting for new products to be released.
And for a bunch of improved SC2's that I can fit my MN lamps in. Also, I've still got a stash of fresh SF123As so my latest SureFires will be poloshirts!

Price increases don't bother me. I'm nuts about SureFires so I'll buy regardless of any changes in prices. I accepted that SureFire was an expensive way to go when I got my 12PM. I told myself not to make such a fuss for obviously worthy products and to deal with it.

12PM and 9NT are two of my best ever buys.

[The SWAT team uses basic 6Ps with tape switches.]

Yup; ours too. We looked at that huge replacement fore-end thing; for about two minutes. We never even asked what it cost.

I doubt any WeaponLight for LEO would cost $600. Not even when including IR BeamFilters.

Most tools are more effective if they are used properly. I would not expect many LEO forces to have the time or resources for Low Light No Light training required to justify equiping forces with very bright lights.

We're not seeing any SureFire price increases yet right?

Well, how to you guys expect them to pay for all the work they've done in developing reliable rechargable systems, LED lights, and HID?

Oh, no, wait, that was somebody else. (For the sarcastically impaired)
As an outsider to the addicti..., er, hobby, the first thing that struck me about SF's web site was the HUGE number of different lights offered. What are they doing with so many??? Usually that sort of thing means a company is trying to sell into many different markets without cross-cannibalization. Something like Dell's Dimension vs. OptiPlex thing where the systems are the same but they want to sell them at different prices into different market segments. To offer so many SKUs implies to me at least five different market segments being pursued.

If SF needs more profit they ought to trim back a lot of redundant offerings rather than raise prices.
Hell, that was EVERYBODY else...

Sure hope that new company Ken Good is helping start up takes a lesson from this...
SureFire to me has always been about options and the ability to pick from their range the best model for your applications/requirements.

If you think that SureFire offer lots of flashlight models, their WeaponLight product range is a whole other level of options and interchangeability.
I agree that we should let SF know that these rediculous prices need to stop. Think about it, a
standard Surefire e2 costs maybe $10 to make, and they are expecting to get $80+ out of it! THis is
rediculous. I think SF's were over priced before the last increase, what will an e2e cost after the *new* one? $95 list?!?!? who will pay that? Not me. If they make the excuse that they are doing it to fund their *development* of new products, that is pretty stupid, if they can't afford it, why spend money on it? Most companies would cut back that dead weight in their product line, and offer the same prices. Why does surefire think that they are so good that they can raise the prices every year by more than 10%?

Needless to say, I am pretty mad that they are taking advantage of us in this way, they have already priced their lights above what most people will pay, but yet they continue to market their "personal" lights to regular hunters, fishermen, and others (the E2o). Who, other than
maybe a flashaholic is going to buy such a light
for $95?

I sure hope that those guys at Strategos can make some cool lights, so we can still get real lights and not get scalped by Surefire in the process.
i too am hoping for equal competetion from ken at strategos. if he delivers the same quality i'm all over it! they will supposedly be less $$'s and more durable than the fragile sf lamps.
[...I would not expect many LEO forces to have the time or resources (to train in the dark)...]

SWAT loves the dark; that's the best time to operate, especially past zero-dark-thirty after the goblins have partied themselves out and crashed.

Your assumption is wrong because you're applying logic; most US police deaprtments are less than 50-strong, and common sense dictates that such a force doesn't need nor can support a special unit.

Unfortunately, "spec ops" is hot; it's sexy, it's what's happening, and every little podunk P.D. and/or sheriff's office wants a piece of the action. I won't say any more, other than the market for weapon lights and other spec ops exotic toys is a lot stronger than most would believe it to be. With the government passing out grants like candy, for the "war on drugs", there is plenty of your tax dollars to buy everything from the latest $200 boots to lights; but no guns. That's about the ONLY thing that cannot be purchased with these grant monies.
