Bomb squad and Surefire C2


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 2, 2001
Louisiana, USA, Earth
Hello everyone,

I just did sound for President Dubya Bush this morning. Well I had to get all my personal bags (backpack and Pelican case) searched with a sniffing dog and an agent from the bomb squad. I noticed he used a familiar looking flashlight to search my stuff, sure enough it was a Surefire C2. He said they are issued and get all the batteries they need. He did complain about the short runtime, but said he really loved the light. He also said they had SureFires for their pistols, but I was shooed along and scanned with the hand held metal detector before I could ask details.
I did not mean to bump up this post, but...

Looking at the SureFire lights on the web I think I was mistaken, I know, I know, but it happens.

The 6 volt SureFire the guy used had the word Centurion written on the side. So I thought it was a C2. But looking at the pictures on the web the actual C2 just has SureFire on the side and the M2 has Centurion written there.

Guess I need to do some more SureFire homework.
That's the hard part of figuring out which light it was. It looked small and had that hard anodized color to it. But I've never seen any of the 6volt surfires in person except for a 6p for a few seconds years ago so I can't judge by size. Honestly the whole situation was over very fast so the only identifying mark I could make out and remember(besides the fact that it was a 6volt light) was the words SureFire and Centurion on the side. The way he was holding the light when he showed it to me could have covered up the M2 insignia. I even asked him "is that a SureFire C2?" and he just showed me the light while still searching through my stuff and said "that's what we are issued, I wish the batteries would last longer but it's a great light, we have them for our guns also" then he was finished searching and I was moved along.

Oh well... I guess it's not worth me stressing over I just thought it would be a neat story.