Boosted Thor ~3x Output - Part 2

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Jar, Care to spill a little info about the current incarnation of the circuit you got now? Is it more efficient too? I'd imagine smaller parts would be....
Newbie and chance this will fit in the "little Brother" Thor? Run-time, schumn-time, I just want bright /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Jarhead. I don't want to be a PITA, but howz Thor's Hammer doing? Last I heard, you were experimenting with syncronous rectification. Intiution tells me you're gonna (at least try to) squeeze this thing to 96% efficiency or so.
Yes, the efficiency is higher Issac.

Brock, depends on what the "little brother" is, and how much room is inside. It could also be miniaturized for lower wattage bulbs.

Well, UncleFester, the lab measurements are putting it well past that. Gonna need to find someone else to measure and confirm what I'm seeing at the moment, before I make any claims.
[waving hand]I'll try it, I'll try it[/waving hand]
Seriously though I would be happy to run it though any test for you.
Does anyone know if something happened to Newbie? Car accident, sickness, personal problems? I sincerly hope none of that happens to anyone, but it has been almost six(6) weeks since any word on the Thor mod from him. I read the one post where he is very busy with work, and personal life, but six weeks without a word on a subject in which he obviously was very interested? If you are able to read this and respond, give us a little hope please.

If you click on a users name, then click on the "show all posts" button, you can see if anyone is active.

And newbie is alive and well !
I ran into a "feature" in the chip that I have been trying to work around. If I can't figure out how to get around it easily, I'll be going back to a more discrete design.

Sorry about the delay, trust me, I'm working on it nightly.
NewBie said:
I ran into a "feature" in the chip that I have been trying to work around. If I can't figure out how to get around it easily, I'll be going back to a more discrete design.

Sorry about the delay, trust me, I'm working on it nightly.

[/ QUOTE ]
Hmmm.. Would you be interested in sharing this "feature"? Maybe someone would have some insight.......
NewBie said:
Sorry about the delay, trust me, I'm working on it nightly.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thank you So Much for your continuing effort!

I've been looking forward to this since November /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
He may be slow at times, but his work is top notch, im sure that the end result will be the very best it cna be.

looking forward to it.

Do you have a low-voltage cutoff feature in your boost circuit? That would be a great way to protect the lead-acid battery from damage. It would also be nice for those willing to spend the $$ for NiMH D-cells to replace the original lead-acid battery in the spotlight.

Re: Boosted Thor ~2x Output - Part 2

At the power draw from the SLA, the voltage drops down to the 8V range, and it dims out. Once the load is removed, the cell voltage comes back up to 11.5V, so it doesn't hurt anything. Remember, when it is boosting, it is yanking a good 10 Amps out of the cells.

I finally licked one of the major quirks I've been fighting for some time now with the all in-one-chip I've been using. I still want to work a little on reducing that drop over time, so I am not quite done.


This is the old chart for comparision, orange being stock:

It has been awhile, so I'll dig up some more output comparisions:
Re: Boosted Thor ~2x Output - Part 2

145,000 Lux from the stock bulb with your circuit is massive. Almost level draw too. Really impressive work, Newbie.
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