Botach has it on selection and sale prices, but they are a company of last resort for me. Only if Texas Tactical Supply or Arizona Gun Runners doesn't have it.
In the long run, I've come away with prices equal to Botach if TTS/AZGR carries it, and the good service makes it cheaper!
If you have to deal with Botach, I have learned two tricks. If you order something because you received an E-Mail ad, and you do it right away (like within 24 hours), they have it in stock and its not an issue. Any other time you are even thinking of ordering from that company, you sure as hell better check with Lucy in Customer Service to find out if its even there first. If it is, you'll be fine. Lucy is really the only shining star surrounded by a whole lot of crap there...
Like I said, if some other company like TTS has it, I won't even take my chances BBBB (being/been burned by Botach)! Hey, I like should be a new CPF acronym! BBBB!