botonlite vsTurtelite II



Which is brighter. It would seem to me that the botonlite should be brighter since it has 3 LEDs but that is not what Craig's site indicates.

Also, the picture of the botonlite's beem looks more bluish suggesting that the LED's are over driven and yet the turtelite II is much whiter and yet the brightness of its beam is supposed to be comparable if not brighter?
The Batonlite has a defuser/lens on the front of it. It spreads out the light so it doesn't appear as bright. I don't have a turtle II but I am told it is about 1/2 the pool of light size, thus the light is more concentrated or brighter.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jeebob:
Which is brighter. It would seem to me that the botonlite should be brighter since it has 3 LEDs but that is not what Craig's site indicates.

Also, the picture of the botonlite's beem looks more bluish suggesting that the LED's are overdriven

The Turtlelite has a narrower beam, so the spot of light it casts appears brighter.

The Batonlite has a diffusing optic in front of the LEDs; this widens the beam substantially. And wider always means dimmer. This optic also eliminates unwanted hotspots & rings, so some people may find its light a bit easier on the eyes despite the higher color temperature.

The LEDs in the Batonlite are indeed overdriven. Mine has a distinct bluish tint that the Turtlelite II does not. You are correct on that count.
thanks for the answers. they are helpful

if we were to shine a trek seven at a white ceiling and a boton light at the sames spot, how would the how would the brightness ofthe objects in the room below compare?

I ask because I have both of those lights and only a few other LEDs (but I won't ask about those).
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jeebob:
thanks for the answers. they are helpful

if we were to shine a trek seven at a white ceiling and a boton light at the sames spot, how would the how would the brightness ofthe objects in the room below compare?

Well, I'll have to try this after it gets dark here on the west coast... will let you know of the results.
good question about "candle mode". seems the narrowest beam will throw more light off of the ceiling v/s wider beam, provided the spill light is not included?
The Trek 7 is quite a bit brighter. Although in this case the wider beam helps illumate a large room better. The more area you light up on the ceiling the more light bounces back to the room itself. The two lights are about the same size pools of light, with the Baton fading off more slowly.
