Bright as a car headlight

Gonna have to be pretty bright...I'm running 80W(low)/100W(high) beam bulbs in my Chevy Caprice
right now...
now...i could believe that an LED can be seen up to a mile away because any focused light can be seen at a distance, but to claim a light like the Aspherilux to be "as bright as a car headlight" is just too much.

That's like saying my Surefire E2 is as bright as a maxabeam, or my Arc LS as bright as a Tigerlight...unless this is a new, 20-55w Dr. Aspherilux.

EDIT: Oh wait...i believe it now. If you hold the light an inch away from your retina, then maybe it can be percieved to be as bright as a car headlight.