Brightest Drop in for AA mag?


Newly Enlightened
Aug 26, 2004
Over a year ago I bought two drop in LED's for my AA mags from the Sandwich Shoppe.
I use the one a lot at work and for EDC.

I have not been on the forums much the last few months so I'm not upto date on the latest and greatest.

I'm wondering what is the brightest drop in LED I can put in the AA mag.

Please post a link to were I can buy it. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
BadBoy 1000 (but runs hot)
There's the "Next Gen" BadBoy now: runs cooler than the older version. Not sure about a 1000 version for it, though.
I thought some time back I seen someone new (not Sandwich Shoppe) making a really bright drop in for the AA mag.

I thought at the time I seen the post he just started taking pre orders and had a website started.

I for the life of me can't find the post any more.
Nothing against the Sandwich shoppe, I love the ones I have. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Just wondering what all the options are now days.
The brightest I've seen is lamda's mini-pro. and I usually keep aprox 20 sammies around.

Edit: brightest sammie I've ever seen is bentheadtx's mini-m*g with BB500 R2H. that sucker had to have been Ubin output /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon15.gif
I think there's a big waiting list for the mini-pro. Check the Custom B/S/T forum for "the dropin pill you've been waiting..."