Brightguy has the ARC-LE in stock


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 22, 2001
Graham, NC
I was trying to replace my lost(sob)LE, so I wound up calling Greg at Brightguy. He has it in stock(yeah). Wilst talking to him and giving my CC and address I blurted out "throw in a black Surge". Flashaholics should never buy over the phone.
Oh well, one more to grab in the dark.

Anyways, hats off to Greg. Real nice guy.
It is a terrible temptation, especially when you have gone through the ordering process, and you're thinking how you're paying the shipping costs anyway....

Or when you're on the phone with Roger at knifeworks, just intending to get a couple of Photons, "you know, there's a 5% discount if you get 5..." aw, heck!
I have three LE's apparently lost in the mail ordered from TTS. It was ordered priority mail (alledged two to three day shipping) and it has now been 10 days. I only hope that if I can get it declared officially lost, there will be more LE's manufactured to replace them.