Brinkman MaxFire LX


Newly Enlightened
Jan 15, 2008
Has this light been discontinued? I cannot find it at Target or Walmart anymore.:(

Thanks for the help.
yeah i havent seen them too but i think they got rid of them when they had their sale on lights last year to make room for new inventory
The last time I checked it was still listed on their website. But like you walmart or target doesnt carry it anymore. I think they replaced it with the 3 x aaa led version.
I had also looked for one and never could find one at either Walmart or Target. However, I did see one on ebay recently.
Oh noes! The Maxfire was my favorite flashlight, and the reason I "kicked" my flashaholism (for a short time, though)! My two Maxfires got my family safely through the lava tubes in Oregon. DX #1343 fits perfectly in them. Poor-mans G2? I don't see why not! Long live the Maxfire!
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I figured they were being discontinued. Luckily, I found two seperate auctions on ebay for brand new MF's for $20 each. I felt it was worth it even though I bought my first 2 for only $14.95 from Target. At least I have 4 of these badboys :naughty:
Oh noes! The Maxfire was my favorite flashlight, and the reason I "kicked" my flashaholism...

Just the opposite for me. The Maxfire got me hooked on brighter flashlights. I'd picked up a drawerfull of M@gs over the years and thought they were "all that" until I snagged a Maxfire a year ago. Shocked how the Brinkman "Plastic Fantastic" lit up the neighborhood for cheap. Bought another Maxfire at Walleyworld this past Thanksgiving, looked again a week or two later and they were gone.

Only have a couple, but at least I have several hosts for ROPs.

So does DX's #1343 throw a better beam than the xenon bulb? ..or just increase run time.
Danny S said:
Just the opposite for me. The Maxfire got me hooked on brighter flashlights. I'd picked up a drawerfull of M@gs over the years and thought they were "all that" until I snagged a Maxfire a year ago. Shocked how the Brinkman "Plastic Fantastic" lit up the neighborhood for cheap.
Once I loaded up my Maxfire with one of AW's 17670 cells and DX #1343, it held me over from the "move" until the middle of November. But, I did spend a lot of my hobby time wrenching on R/C cars and working on a website. Now I'm back and have built a rechargeable 2C Mag w/ Muscle and purchased one of FlashCrazy's modded Coast's, and there's no end in sight!

Danny S said:
Bought another Maxfire at Walleyworld this past Thanksgiving, looked again a week or two later and they were gone.
Wish I had the foresight to pick up some more while I had the chance, like I was planning to get more #1343's while DX still had them in stock. Hopefully my pair will last many more years. Shame there's none on eBay or Craigslist, or the B/S/T to purchase.

Danny S said:
So does DX's #1343 throw a better beam than the xenon bulb? ..or just increase run time.
I would say the #1343 gives about 80 lumens out the front end, and the beam would make even the most die-hard Surefire fan jealous. Nice tight hotspot, smooth warmer corona, quickly fading to spill. the LED is being diven at a lower current, which givens plenty of light but it doesn't heat up nearly as much as say, a Malkoff or BOQ, which means it can be used in a plastic light without a problem. As a bonus, it's perfectly regulated on a 17670 cell for around 2.5 hours. Quickbeam did a runtime chart, if you do a thread-starter search using his username, you should find it.
...I would say the #1343 gives about 80 lumens out the front end, and the beam would make even the most die-hard Surefire fan jealous. Nice tight hotspot, smooth warmer corona, quickly fading to spill. the LED is being diven at a lower current, which givens plenty of light but it doesn't heat up nearly as much as say, a Malkoff or BOQ, which means it can be used in a plastic light without a problem. As a bonus, it's perfectly regulated on a 17670 cell for around 2.5 hours. Quickbeam did a runtime chart, if you do a thread-starter search using his username, you should find it.

Excellent, just the kind of input I was hoping for.

Thankya Sir!

My guess is that Target has discontinued carrying the Maxfire as I was able to pickup 2 back before Thanksgiving for $7 bucks each on closeout. That was all they had or I would have stocked up. This was the Maxfire with 2 batts. and vinyl belt case. That was a deal for sure and have not seen them back in stock since.
DX#6090 + 1 x 17670 in a G2 or 6P is superior in every way to using the stock incandescent P60. At least, that's my take on it and what I'm using right now. I believe the #6090 is the best DX drop in option. I'll probably being getting a DereeLight drop in before long.:D
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Once I loaded up my Maxfire with one of AW's 17670 cells and DX #1343, it held me over from the "move" until the middle of November.

How old is your LX mine has two ribs in the metal sleve that will not allow a AW17670. Is there a trick that I missed?
Both of my Maxfires were purchased around February 2007. They had the gray-ish packaging as opposed to the newer red packaging. Both battery tubes have the formed metal ridges but AW's protected 17670s fit perfectly.
I haven't seen any at any retail stores in quite awhile now. They are good lights at the $7 sale price. I prefer the quality of the G2 though. I really like the Maxfire's rubber grip.
Are we talking collectors' items yet ?

Even at $17, the Maxfire was one of the best bargains around. Think Surefire G2 with a forward clickie and a rubber grip, and that's basically it right there.
I have a Maxfire (the 2xcr123 model, that was from Walmart in Arizona) in early Decemeber 2006) and have been thinking of what P60 dropins I could use in it. The looks to be a nice one but will it fit properly enough?. I do not care if the head does not screw down all the way.

I realize I need to use a 17670 short of trying to get the metal tube out and working around the removal of connection.
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