Brinkmann Legend Newbie Mod



Hello Everyone,

I have a question for you guys. I just saw the Brinkmann Legend flashlight (Brinkmann Product Sheet) for $10 at a local store. Now, while I am a newbie to LED mods, I have done quite a bit of reading on this site.

What I'm interested in, considering this would be my very first flashlight mod, does anyone have information on modifying this torch? It seems fairly bright out of the box, but I would like to make it brighter.

Any instruction would be greatly appreciated! I'm no stranger to working with electronics, so that doesn't scare me.

So, can anyone help a newbie out?
Thanks for your help.

Sorry, I can't help more, standard LED mods are not my area of expertise.

Try doing a search in the LED forum for LED mods.

I would suggest buying a 5600 mcd or 6800 mcd white nichia LED and plugging it in as a direct bulb replacement, then to really brighten it up, use 3 N-cell batteries instead of 2 AA's.

Sorry I don't know were to buy nichia LEDs either.