I have one of each, and while I like the 'traditional' flashlight shape of the Rebel, the Long Life is a bit more compact in overall size. Since they use identical LED's, reflectors, and lenses, the beam from both is identical. The Rebel comes with some accessories, which I found pretty worthless, except possibly for the red filter, some time in the future, when I'm breaking into the United States Gold Reserve, and I really need a cheap flashlight, with a red filter, so I can over come the motion, heat, weight, and laser security systems.
But to get back to the point: these lights put out identical beams of bluish white light, so the better one is whichever shape appeals more to you. Either that, or get the less expensive one. For the money, both these lights put out a very good focused beam of light from a single white LED. They will also have nearly identical burn time, so while the light is the same, the package it come in is somewhat different; that's all. Pick the one that looks better to you.