Brinkmann Rebel 2AA LED light at Walmart


Oct 30, 2001

I just strolled over to Walmart to pick up a Legend LX and found next to it a Brinkmann Rebel. It looks just like the LX except it's longer to accomodate the 2AA's. It comes with 3 color filters that fit over the Rebel. From the looks of it it seems to fit the LX as well since the construction is nearly identical. I have yet to find the LX and Rebel since we came home (somewhere in the 30 or so bags from shopping today). As soon as I dig it up I'll review it here.

Anyone else have experience with the Rebel?
I bought a rebel and later the same evening dropped it and the tail cap completely broke off. On the contrary, the LX is sturdy and should't have any problems.

the rebel is made of plastic while the LX is pretty thick aluminum...

i saw the rebel at wally's last time i went (also looking for an lx) and decided not to buy it...the lense is kinda cool but who needs another over-sized wimpy light?...i haven't actually seen it in use, but i'm sure it's very close to the old brinkman 2 AA LED light...and the color filters...heh, one of the things that LEDs really excell at is producing color light at better efficiencey...why have a white LED then put filters on it?...cut the output down that much more...

anyhow, just my $.02...
I noticed Fred Meyer (a chain in the U.S. Pacific Northwest) was now carrying the Rebel
Ok, I played around with it and it's about the same brightness as my Impact. It is made cheaply out of plastic, then again it was only $14. I like the lens covers though since it fits nicely on the LX. The rebel will probably sit on my flashlight shelf (now at 21 lights) but the lenses will sure to be useful with the LX. I don't recommend this light unless your buying it for the 3 lenses.

As for the LX, I've seen some people compare it to the E2. IMHO the E2 wins hands down every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

E2 pros and cons:
-Better beam quality
-1/3 the size of the LX
-To me it's brighter
-Available in HA type III
-Carry clip built in
-White light
-Steep Price may keep some from buying it

LX Pros and cons
-Adjustable beam (though ugly dark rings start to appear!)
-Clickie tailcap
-Slightly yellowish incandescent color (color temp of SF's is definitely higher)
-This thing is huge, it's longer than the 6P and the reflector is huge
-Affordable pricing

So In conclusion if you got $60 to burn and want the best, get the E2. Otherwise get the LX for $20. Just my opinion.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by flexmodem:

LX Pros and cons
-Adjustable beam (though ugly dark rings start to appear!)
-Clickie tailcap
-Slightly yellowish incandescent color (color temp of SF's is definitely higher)

That's really odd.
My LX is noticeably whiter and brighter than my new E2, and stayed that way when I swapped batteries between the two.
I wonder if you ended up with a bum bulb in your LX.
Maybe. I was really disapointed in the LX. I'll go exchange it today since it is noticibly yellower than the SF lights. I'll report back when I get a new one.

The Lenses fit on my 8X series SF lights too (from the Rebel package).
The Lenses fit on my 8X series SF lights too (from the Rebel package).[/QB][/QUOTE]
I also have the Rebel & colored lenses. Might want to be careful with the "ON" time, as they were made for the heat output of the LED. Could get a "melt-down" pretty quickly.