Broken GF X-Ray pictures up


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 22, 2001
Greenfield In
Denise my GF broke her leg in three places today. I am going to take care of things for her and try the best that I can to take care of her two boys as well. I will keep shipping stuff out but the items I was going to ship today wont go out until Saturday. I still have my 9-5 job to do and I will also be taking her to surgery monday and be shuttling the boys to school. I am a day behind on e-mail but will try and get that corrected soon but maybe not tonight. I am not sure if I will be posting much this week or now. I just remembered I also owe someone for a damaged lamp that I need to take care of. Sorry for any delays but I will ship daily during this ordeal, It also might be easier, I will be staying at the GFs house until she can take care of things on her own an a place to ship is only two blocks away. I just hope she does not get upset when she sees me moving lots of inventory into her home.
Re: I am going to be a busy busy boy for awhile.

Wow Jon, what happened? How'd Denise get injured? If you don't mind answering, that is...
Re: I am going to be a busy busy boy for awhile.

Ummmm, I am going to get killed by her for answering this. At least she can't catch me right now.

It was a tiny bit icy in Indiana this morning and she was running late so she slipped on the steps off her porch and fell. I think the shoes she was wearing contributed to this because one of the breaks was at the point her shoe terminated. The breaks were all the way through and there is a lose piece of bone in there so that is why she is having surgery on Monday.

Thanks for asking Charlie.
Re: I am going to be a busy busy boy for awhile.

Whoa, man!!! Broken all the way My best wishes to her, please let her know that. Hey on the bright side tell her that she will be feeling No Pain whatsoever right before they put her under - you know, Demarol and stuff...

Chin up!
Re: I am going to be a busy busy boy for awhile.

Geez, Jon that's terrible. Broken all the way through. My condolences. Get better soon Denise.
Re: I am going to be a busy busy boy for awhile.

I read this subject and thought you got some huge government contract and would be busy filling orders for the next 6 months.

Sorry to hear about your girlfriend man.

Re: I am going to be a busy busy boy for awhile.

Jon, I really hate to hear that for Denise,her children and for you. My best advice is stay calm and upbeat for them,you can pull your hair out on the way to work. Remember
you can always share concerns if you want to. I will Pray for a quick recovery.
Topper /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: I am going to be a busy busy boy for awhile.

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/awman.gif that sounds painful! Best wishes for a swift recovery, and best regards to you! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grouphug.gif
Re: I am going to be a busy busy boy for awhile.


Sorry to hear that Jon, I'm sure people will understand if your response has a little delay sometimes... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif

Please give this to Denise from me. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif

Good luck! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/help.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Re: I am going to be a busy busy boy for awhile.

Thanks everyone.

She already told me she was gonna be a grumpy GF
Re: I am going to be a busy busy boy for awhile.

Been there, done that, got the hardware! (Mine was in a basketball game, both bones, compound fracture.)

Not fun, I hurt for you both. I know my wife took great care of me!!

Get well soon!!

Re: I am going to be a busy busy boy for awhile.

Damn Jon,

Isn't life complicated enough!!

Hope she fares well!

Re: I am going to be a busy busy boy for awhile.

Awww man, that sucks. Good luck and I wish her a speedy recovery. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Re: I am going to be a busy busy boy for awhile.

Sorry to hear that dude.....I have been to Greenfield doing some contract work at the Eli Lilly plant...

sounds evil the leg break hope the recovery goes well..
Re: I am going to be a busy busy boy for awhile.

Hi Jon
"she is having surgery on Monday."
Why monday and not now.
I wish her a speedy recovery.
Re: I am going to be a busy busy boy for awhile.

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/oops.gif All the best from across the pond!