Broken NewBeam!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 14, 2002
Grand Rapids
My NewBeam broke, I was removing it to place it in another Mini Mag, and when I pulled it out the two plastic plugs that hold it in stayed in the Light and broke off the head. I have e-mailed Opalec, we will see how there customer service is. Has anyone else had a problem with there's.
No, but thanks. I'll grease them up from now on. Did you have it in an old style mag by any chance? I believe it fit alot tighter in the old style mags.
Opalec got right back to me and a new one is on the way, they are even sending me a stamped envelope to send the bad unit back. Great customer service!!!
Why were you removing it? I have a couple Newbeams and once they're in I leave them there.

Just curious...not trying to be a pain.
This is funny, in somewhat of a sad way. I'm sure you had it in a newer model Minimag, because Opalec says the unit fits in there so much tighter. I've had mine in old style Mags for quite a while now with no problems. I've taken them in and out, and nothing ever sticks. I'm starting to think that the old style Mag might actually be a safer fit, ya know?
WaltH, I was going to put it in a different Mag the one I had it in was blue and said Steelcase on it, and I wanted it in a black one.

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