Brookstone Super-Lux LED vs. Surefire L2


Newly Enlightened
Jan 6, 2005
Chicago, IL
Just had to share this with you. I'm a bit surprised by my results, but here they are...

$ 50 = Brookstone Super-Lux LED
$165 = Surefire L2

I LOVE my L2, just something about that Surefire build-quality, and the beam is perfectly white, and the 2-stage switch is very useful.

However, I'm a bit dismayed that my Brookstone Super-Lux LED can out-throw my Surefire L2, which costs more than three times as much!

I played with both lights outdoors for about 20 minutes, the L2, brand-new out of the shipping box (fresh batteries), and the Brookstone light running on the original batteries that have been in it, in my car's glovebox for over 8 months now.

The L2 is no slouch, it's a nice flood of even light, but on distant trees, there was no question that the Brookstone out-threw the L2. However, the Brookstone's spill light is not flawless like the L2, and the Brookstone is more fragile in construction than the L2.

Once I found this forum last month, I thought I might have been an idiot for spending $50 on that Brookstone Super-Lux LED. I'm sure there are better lights out there for $50, but for my money, it was worth it, and I'd still consider it again, as a gift for friends in that price range. The Surefire 6P is a better light for $6 more, but it's not LED. The Brookstone Super-Lux LED is the best $50 ready-to-roll LED torch I've used personally.

Thanks for the comparison. I'm glad you like the Broostone light. I checked one out Saturday and wasn't too impressed won't likely be buying one. The one I tried in the store seemed to have a bluish tint to it. I didn't have any other Lux lights with me to compare it to.
i went into a Brookstone a few weeks back and tried some of their lights. I have to say i was disappointed after i pulled out my T1 in comparison. maybe the batteries were not fresh in their lights. I was minding my own business and inspecting them and an annoying sales guy came up to me and started explaining what i was looking at and when i started asking him real questions, he got uncomfortable and scared and started explaining that most people dont care about everything i was asking him and as soon as they hear the LED never goes out they just buy the light. I'm like, yeah, thats most people for yah.

i pulled out my T1 and shoed him and he asked me how much i paid for it and where. and I'm like $30 online. his response was "i guess they dont have to pay rent"

yeah, $30 extra seems like a lot of rent for a light that has a gloss anodize finish and a rather distasteful tint. Not to mention that it's quite heavy.

Well, I was unimpressed when I tried it in the store as well, but I figured I couldn't really judge it in a brightly-lit store, plus, I hadn't fallen onto the Surefire wagon yet... So, overall, I'm not as disappointed in it as I had though I'd be once I ordered my Surefires...
If you got SF e series stuff the new KL-1 is the bomb for throw. (and has some spill, not a "laser beam" it keep's getting called, and I got three of them) great beam that widen's as it project's further out.
One is on a E1L, and it makes for a great small package, and you can build from there.My othe's are on vital gear FB-1 bodies, love them too. VDG