we'd be using a continous stream - 12V DC - we'd be using a peltier element, fan and diode being powered from that. The current draws from the individual parts is quite minimal, so more than likely the 8AA batteries would work best that this point. *that and they're small enough that they'd work*
"Instead of 500mW...... what about one of these? Or no good? "
Those would be PERFECT provided we weren't concerned with the thing overheating. Actually it would be awesome to be honest, but my true concern is how expensive are those going to be to acquire on a constant basis. It's cool to spend 50-60$ on 1 diode once, but that will jack up the price considerably if this became a "production" thing.
*not saying that it will be, but I always want to consider my options*
Also, I DO have someone in metal/machining that would be more than capable of creating the cases. Not an issue at all.
I'll probably order 2 or 3 500mw diodes and also 2 or 3 1.2W diodes and check the difference. I'll also contact the distributor of the 1.2W diodes and see what they're able to do for us.
My other small concern was that the distrubitor of the 9mm 500mw diodes I have here, well is here in canada. that means no duties, very very cheap shipping, and very short shipping times as well. This means a LOT when you're in the process of getting a few of them.
In any case, I'll consider this all and probably order a few from each and test the quality as well as durability from each manafacturer and end cost. More than likely, the 1.2W diodes will be well worth it in the end, but I want to make absolutely sure.