Building my new web site, tell me what you see


Newly Enlightened
Jan 31, 2004
Yorkshire, England
I wonder if you can try this link and tell me what you see.
Do you see a white page with fizz products written on it or a black page with chipper and jedi written on it?
My new page is the white page but I have asked various people and some see the old one, some see the new one.
It can't be a browser cache thing as some of the people I have asked have never been to my site before but still see the old one.
Anyway heres the link
web page
Ok,thanks for that guys, at least it is the correct one at last.
I haven't inserted pics yet so thats ok but I wonder why when using firefox the nav bar at the top is getting squashed by the table?
evanlocc said:
A miss spell in your banner and none of the page show pics.

[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks for spotting that, my mate did the banner and spelt suppliers wrong and forgot the space after bombs.
Their are no pics yet just place holders for them to go in.
I wanted to make sure that I could get the site up and some links working before I put the meat into it.
Here is what I see:


I.E. shows more stuff, but it's only partially displayed.

Note the background color is not white. Thank God. Apparently your web page doesn't specify a background color so the browsers use the computer's default colors.

I normally set my browsers so they don't use web page colors just because most web pages use that obnoxious bright white color in the background. Just for you, I changed both browsers to use the web page colors. They still came out with my computer's background color. That's good in my humble (humble?) opinion.
A big thanks to everyone who has helped out here.
Now I know that everything seems to be as expected after a few teething problems I can really start adding some meat into the pages.
The only thing I can't understand is that i.e, is showing stuff partially hidden whilst mozilla is ok, from what I've sussed out it was the other way round.
Web pages seem like a crap shoot to me. I leave extra space just in case. How a page looks depends on the browser's text size, and more important, it depends on the OS DPI settings.

The I.E. view in my last post was with the DPI setting to large, which is preferred with a 17 inch LCD monitor. I guess you measurementally impaired fellows would call it a 431.8 mm monitor /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

If I change the DPI to normal, your site fits together better:
I.E. DPI setting normal size

Rest assured I won't keep my DPI this way for long. I almost need a magnifying glass when it's this way.

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