'bulb' 'n' batts for Mag 2-D?

Pierce the Night

Newly Enlightened
Oct 21, 2001
\'bulb\' \'n\' batts for Mag 2-D?

Hi, Everyone – my first message is a question.
I'm aiming for 'as bright as I can get for as long as I can get it – cheaply' with a Maglite 2-D. I'm considering the LedCorp Professional Series III Luxeon Star LED 'bulb' or the Night Pearl. As for the batteries, I've found a source of GP brand NiMH D-cells of 7,000 mAh or even 9,000 mAh capacities. What do you reckon? (And thanks.)
Re: \'bulb\' \'n\' batts for Mag 2-D?

Yay, my first reply! (Thanks, kogatana).
I'm indebted to Craig Johnson's excellent site, from which I understand that the LEDCORP Professional Series III Luxeon Star LED Bulb, retail $39.95, is available from http://www.ledcorp.com. Or call 1-888-394-2001.

In Craig's Luxeon Star/Barracuda/Prometheus article, the reader is additionally directed to Lumileds (http://www.lumileds.com, http://www.luxeon.com). Lumileds Lighting, LLC, 370 West Trimble Road, San Jose, CA 95131, USA. Americas/Canada Toll Free Tel: 1-877-298-9455; Europe/Asia-Pacific Tel: 1-408-435-6044; Fax: 1-408-435-6855. Future Electronics (http://www.futureelectronics.com) and Arc Flashlight LLC, (http://www. arcflashlight.com) are also mentioned. However, I don't know if these lead you to the LS 'bulb' that you merely drop into your flashlight; these may be for the Luxeon Star LEDs that are surface-mounted on square pcb's.

The only contact for the Night Pearl, again courtesy of Craig's site, is the manufacturer, Sino Union Technology Co., http://www.sinounion.com.hk/).

If I'm telling you everything you already know, I do apologise; however, I think I may be a bit more help over batteries. The GP NiMH rechargeable D-cells of 7,000 (at £5.65 each) and 9,000 mAh capacities are available from www.budgetbatteries.co.uk. I think the man there is called Graham Vickredge. The 9,000 mAh model is £8-odd each. Is that about $20?

(They also do Ansmann NiMH AA in 1800 mAh, £8.40 a four-pack; and they'll have a 1900 mAh variety before long.)

Hope this helps.

Best regards,

Pierce the Night
Re: \'bulb\' \'n\' batts for Mag 2-D?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gman:

Want a cheap multi-faceted reflector for that Mag? Go to Sears and buy the 4AA
rubberized work light for 7 bucks and fit it to the Mag. There are other cheap lights with better reflectors out there also.
Not as great as a SF reflector, but a vast improvement over the Mag's. In fact, the Sears light by itself isn't so bad for a cheapie.

Is it a direct fit, or does it require trimming? Do you still get the full focus range? What other lights that you know of have reflectors that are compatable with the mag?

Thanks in advance.

I wonder it there is a market for "high quality" after market reflectors for Mag and Mini-mags.
Re: \'bulb\' \'n\' batts for Mag 2-D?

Hi Pierce,

Yikes, thats a lotta money for an LED in a base. I suggest you make your own. Get an old bulb, carefully crush and clean out the bas, then the LED and resistor inside, then
"pot" the entire deal with some expoy.
I've been doing this for years, long before one could buy such "lamps".

This way *you* chose the LED you want and how hard you want to drive it by selecting the resistor value. If you want a bright, narrow beam use a 5000mcd or even better, a 10mm jumbo. All this is availible at Radio Shack and many other places.

Want a cheap multi-faceted reflector for that Mag? Go to Sears and buy the 4AA
rubberized work light for 7 bucks and fit it to the Mag. There are other cheap lights with better reflectors out there also.
Not as great as a SF reflector, but a vast improvement over the Mag's. In fact, the Sears light by itself isn't so bad for a cheapie.

Course, LEDs have viewing angles of anywhere from a few degrees to 180. The wider the angle, the less perceived output you'll have.
I don't know what you want, a wide general beam or a narrow one.

Good Luck.
Re: \'bulb\' \'n\' batts for Mag 2-D?

It may require very minor trimming around the outer perimeter, I haven't done it yet,
but you won't need to cut into the "cone" itself. From eyeballing it, it's very close to the same size. No, it will not focus the way a Mag reflector will because it lacks the "extentsion" on it to operate the "cam" on the Mag. I would just prefocus the lamp and leave it at that. Hey, for 7 bucks you could maybe even install the three color "power monitoring LED" Sears uses into the Mag also.
Re: \'bulb\' \'n\' batts for Mag 2-D?

Originally posted by Gman:
[QB]Hi Pierce,

'Want a cheap multi-faceted reflector for that Mag? Go to Sears and buy the 4AA
rubberized work light...'

Thanks, Gman (and sorry to be late with an acknowledgement). However, no Sears round here; am in UK, u c!

But thanks for all the rest.
