Burningman Crees

Can you post the location of this? If I go I'll come by to check it out, although with all that light I'm pretty sure I could find it eventually.
Al Gore Presidential Fitness Test Camp
Home of the "Heart of the Man" crew
3:00 and Estuary (That's all that the borg gave us)
I bring the Dodecahedron structures DodecaNap and The PentaHouse.
Look for the tall pentagonal tepees.
Just ask for ScottV

I just uploaded new pictures of the pole's switch and a bit of internal.

It's a found piece of aluminum TIG welded to a pipe coupler.
Three P4s clipped and Arctic Alumina'd to that
Under the epoxied blue plastic dome is a 1000mA BuckPuck.
A Streamlight waterproof switch (litebox type) on top.
Four sets of 8 soldered AA batteries (12V) feeding the buckpuck.
(soldered because batteries, wires and heatshrink doesn't fit in an aluminum 1/2inch pipe - but just batteries an a pair of 22 guage silver wires do)
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