Butter and Bread and Sandwiches Oh My! (II)

One and a third pound of chopped beef, with a large caramelized onion in the background, to which I'll add a large jar of tomato sauce. I seasoned the meat with salt and pepper, powdered garlic, and a little port wine. When it was done I considered adding a little half and half, and just pouring it over some egg noodles, but I already had the eggplant cut up.

A pan of battered, and air fried egg plant. Accompanied by two sweet onions, battered and fried in a little olive oil.

Layered with meat sauce, eggplant, ricotta cheese, three cheese Mexican, and shredded mozzarella, and finished with a layer of onion, sauce, and cheese.

Poppy, I occasionally make something like your eggplant dish (above). Now and then, I'll do butternut squash "noodles" and ground lamb instead of beef, along with some coarsely-diced heirloom tomatoes. With the right amount of herbs and spices, it's delish.

What with spring coming, it'll soon be a great time for fresh vegetables. Looking forward to all of the options.
Another winter blast of storms this weekend makes me put together a fresh pot of soup. First to go, last of chicken stock in fridge. Added; fresh carrots, celery, onions, whole garlic, frozen petite sweet peas and baby lima beans. Thrown in left over boiled chicken legs/thighs. Found some cooked rice, in it goes.. Cleaned out the fridge and filled the pot. Nothing fancy just good 'ol healthy food on a cold winter day.
My first attempt at baked flounder.

Small, thin fillets drenched in a butter/lemon sauce and sprinkled with lemon pepper. Baked at 350 degrees for 15 minutes.
Came out perfect.
Served with mashed potatoes and peas. I had spring water, Mrs Fixer had sweet tea.

Tomorrow night:

Baked tenderloin.
Baked haddock, ready to eat shrimp, with brocoli and cheese.

On a foil covered baking pan coated with cooking spray a sprinkle of old bay then place fish onto the foil. Sprinkle some lemon pepper on top. Two tablespoons of melted smart balance buttery spread poured over the fish. Bake 15 minutes. 350 degrees for 12, cut the oven off and let it finish.

The shrimp was pre-cooked frozen kind ready to eat. Mrs Fixer dunked hers in cocktail sauce. The brocolli and cheese was a low calorie, low sodium healthy kind from the microwave that had about as much flavor as I'd imagine the cardboard wrapper has. It was pretty bland.

Spring water to drink. Girl Scout cookie thin mints for dessert.
Fired up the gas grill twice this week. (If I were from the mountains of Tennessee I might say twiced). Ribeye pork chops one night, New York strips steaks the next. All told the 1" thick pork chops were clearance priced under $4. The pair of 1" thick steaks under $10. Mrs Fixers steak was an aged angus, mine was grass fed cow.

All cooked like french fries, tender on the inside, crispy on the outside. Seasoned with McCormick seasoned salt as a rub about 10 minutes before cooking.


The pork chop served with buttery home made mashed baby red skin potatoes.


The flame kissed angus on the right done medium rare, the left medium well. Served with a baked russet potato.


The 2 burner grill is about 5 years old and still looks fairly new.


I tried a new (to me) flavor of body armor. Cherry Lime is pretty yummy. Mrs Fixer pretty much has sweet tea with meals with nearly every meal.


Tralfaz saying "where there's steak there's a rumbly in my tumbly"....

Trying to use up things I have in the fridge, including brioche buns, spinach, and bacon. I used some Truff hot sauce. I really made a delicious brunch snack. I start around 5 am with protein shakes, etc. this is around 10:30 am.


Used 4 ounces of beef squished bigger than the brioche bun, bacon, butter lettuce, tomato, and Monterey cheese. I really enjoyed these last week.

This week will be a lot of burritos.
I've been fighting an intestinal virus all week. Three days ago, I made a poached egg on a slice of toast, and gave half of it to the dog. Thankfully things are looking up.

Last night I made some air fried breaded chicken breast, mashed red potatoes, and broccoli with jarred gravy, and applesauce.

Hopefully that will get me on the right track.


So far this morning I have had two bananas. I need some fiber in my belly. :) But soft, non-irritating fiber. Smoothedge.
Some made at home Pierogies.
Boiled to soften the frostbitten somewhat dehydrated outer shell, then fried with chopped onion in olive oil and butter, to give it a little crunch.
Topped with sour cream.

Boy, I should make these more often.
I had everything I needed except... toothpicks!
So off to the store I went.

Boneless chicken breasts, sliced Virginia ham, sliced Swiss cheese, salt and pepper, and panko/bread crumbs.


The recipe stated 30-35 minutes at 350, but it took more like 45-50 minutes!
It still came out good to eat :)

Just wrap the ham and cheese in pounded out chicken, cover it in panko/breadcrumbs, and bake. When it is finished, place a layer of swiss on top and bake until it melts.

Also make a chicken sauce topping with a can of cream of chicken soup, and a cup of sour cream, with a squirt of lemon juice.

