Buy E2e now...or wait for A2...(I'm serious)!!!


Newly Enlightened
Jan 20, 2002
Buy E2e now...or wait for A2...(I\'m serious)!!!

Ok...I am having a hard time NOT buying an E2e....the only thing preventing me from doing it is that I WILL buy an A2 when they eventually come out. The catch is, will I ever use the E2e once I have an A2??? Any one else facing this delema?

Currently I have an M2 - but I usually run a P61 in it. Having an A2 or E2e would give me a EDC light with a longer run time...this is basically why I am considering one in the first place...
Re: Buy E2e now...or wait for A2...(I\'m serious)!!!

I already have an E2, so I am going to wait for the A2. The E2 is smaller, then the E2e, then the A2, then the regular (6P, D2, C2, M2) line. So I like the E2 for size, but the A2 will have the cool LED lo output option
Re: Buy E2e now...or wait for A2...(I\'m serious)!!!

My advice, or what I would do in your position, would be to buy the subsantially lower priced 'old' E2, or wait for the E2e to be sold through discounters. $85 is pretty steep for this light, when you can get the standard model for $25 less.

Surefire is famous for announcing new products that take a very, very long time to be available. I'm still waiting for the reduced output lamp for the E2, which was announced over 7 months ago. And this is just a new lamp for an existing product.

Imagine how much longer it's going to take Surefire to get their first LED light to market; and it's a combination LED and incandescant, with voltage regulation. I'm assuming about a year; although I'd be happy to be wrong.

At the SHOT Show, Surefire announced *so many* new products, and complete new product lines, that I know it's going to be a long time getting even some of them them to production.

So I'd buy just buy an E2 now, and use it until the A2 is available. I think you'll have plenty of time to use the E2 before the A2 arrives. And if you get an A2, and find you no longer need your E2, you can always sell it. Used Surefires are still worth a good percentage of their original cost.

I decided not to buy an E2e, opting to buy an E2 HA recently instead. And when the A2 comes along, I'll buy one of them, as well.

And if I find that I no longer want one of my 2 E2's (doubtful....) I'll sell it. But the odds are that I'll keep both of them. They will be substantially smaller (shorter, mostly) than the A2, and I doubt that I'll stop using them.

Just my 2 cents....
Re: Buy E2e now...or wait for A2...(I\'m serious)!!!

Oh no....I just saw the L1 and L2...not to mention all the other goodies on Pks webpage....*sigh*... I think I am going to have to wait a while and see what I can't live without.... Thanks to all for sharing your views...
Re: Buy E2e now...or wait for A2...(I\'m serious)!!!

OK...I've decided to buy an E2e. When the LED mod becomes avalible for it, I will but it (instead of an Arc-LS). My M2 (P61 + 2 SCs) will serve all the dutys I will need a BRIGHT 2-cell SF for; the E2e is small enough to ride in my pocket 24/7, and I still have several LEDs (Arc-CPF, Inova X5, CMG infinitys, etc) for long-life back-ups. I can relax.
...that is until I realize that I now need an M4....
Re: Buy E2e now...or wait for A2...(I\'m serious)!!!

Excellent choice!! I purchased one an E2e last week, adn am very happy with it. Now you will have an excuse to buy a digital series light when they are released.
