C.Crane Lithium Trek Light

The Trek 3 is cool, but the regular ccrane (the 2 LED one) is crap. I had bought one at REI and promptly returned it. It was too dim compared to the Lightwave 2000, which is a better choice if you want a bright spot. The Trek 3 gives off more light, even though it doesn't have a spot. My favorite right now is the Petzl Tikka.

The reason I didn't buy one is because it uses some odd cell. I never got out of them what it was, but they said it was a 3v cell and they sold them for a LOT. So I didn't buy one. I really wish I knew what battery the light was using, but at 3v I can't imagine it would stand up against the other lights running at 4.5v

The CCrane web page is what got me intrested in the light. Since it uses only one battery I thought it must use a step up converter of some sort. So than I called and asked, they said it just used a 3v lithium "AA sized" battery. I asked if a standard lithium AA would fit, they said yes and even tried it for me, but they said it made light, but was very dim. They said it really needed the special lithium battery ($10.95) each.

OK, I'm an idiot; I missed the Lithium in the title of the post... I just checked out Ccrane's website and saw the lithium LED light you're interested in. Pretty nice for a small light, but too big for the keychain compared to a photon.

I think that the battery that is used is AA-sized cell that has a nub on each end.

I still stand by my statements about ccrane's 2-LED lamp vs. 3-LED lamp.

Thanks for that link. With that pic and a quick search I found the battery manufacturers homepage:


"A knifeless man is a lifeless man"
-Nordic proverb
Looks like they make a C cell, too bad it is 3.6v, if it was 1.5v I could use it in my Expedition. I guess I could use two, with a dummy, and a resistor... hmm??


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DavidW:
Thanks for that link. With that pic and a quick search I found the battery manufacturers homepage:
