So I've been merrily going through all me rechargable batteries with my new C9000 charger.
During the course, I've had a couple of HIGH warnings come up, which would seem to indicate that the cells aren't any good any more and they won't charge in the 9000. They are both Vanson 1800mah cells.
Is there anything that I can do with these cells? I've since tried charging them in an Ansmann Energy8 - one of the two cells appeared to charge properly in as much after a few hours the green light came on and the other cell just stayed on a red light until I pulled it from the charger.
I popped the two cells into a little old portable radio and they seem to be working ok.
So, any ideas if these be resurrected properly or should I just bin them?
So I've been merrily going through all me rechargable batteries with my new C9000 charger.
During the course, I've had a couple of HIGH warnings come up, which would seem to indicate that the cells aren't any good any more and they won't charge in the 9000. They are both Vanson 1800mah cells.
Is there anything that I can do with these cells? I've since tried charging them in an Ansmann Energy8 - one of the two cells appeared to charge properly in as much after a few hours the green light came on and the other cell just stayed on a red light until I pulled it from the charger.
I popped the two cells into a little old portable radio and they seem to be working ok.
So, any ideas if these be resurrected properly or should I just bin them?