Cabelas XPG LED Flashlights.....looks pretty good!

Yeah and it has a low power setting too.....tempting! The other one is only 45 bucks......75 lumens for 4 hours!!!! wonder what kind of LED this is. They claim it's regulated......
I had the 5 watt model, it took 3 cr 123 batteries. It was two mode, but the beam was a square flood beam like.

THe recharagable 3 watt xpg I think is the best value. Its way brighter than the 3 watt bog light drop in and its recharagarable.
They're probably made in China with the Cabelas logo slapped on. As of recent, there really aren't many production LED's that are worth their price when you consider Cree. Just my opinion anyway. We're undergoing a LED evolution (some would even say revolution), so why invest in the future rather than previous technology?