CadResearch reflectors--Great throw!


Newly Enlightened
Jan 18, 2005
Does anyone know about cadresearch reflectors? I saw some on Craig's site here being used with a trilight-3, and I am curious how they'd work in a tri-star phazer. They appear to create a fantastic spot beam! One distributor sells them but only in large quantities... Any thoughts on where else to find them and if this is a good idea?

Oh, I'm new here... after lurking for awhile. Perhaps my next post will be more useful rather than inquisitive. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif
CPF is fun. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Look in BST forums. PhotonFanatic sells them.

Lots of people have been putting them in maglights. You probably could fit them in the TSP.

BUT, people have been using the 20mm (not 17mm) ones, which give even better throw! They should fit if a Fraen tri-optic does. (but then again that's in a mag).. YMMV
Crow, welcome to CPF! Don't worry about asking questions, that's what we're here for.

The Cadresearch reflectors are also called the IMS reflectors and the part numbers are SO17XA, SO20XA, SO27XA. The middle two digits are the diameter of the front of the reflector. Generally, the larger the reflector, the more concentrated the center spot, and the longer the reach. This is because larger reflectors capture more of the photons and focus them into a tighter beam. Smaller reflectors tend to let things spread out a little.

For your TSP, you might want the SO17XA (17mm). Not sure if the 20 will fit, but I love my 20's and I'd use them if I could.
The reflectors from Quickar are similar. I think the angle listed is total angle because the 12 deg I bought iis just a little tighter that the 6 deg optic that they sell but much brighter. 20$ minimum order though.
Thanks everyone. Would I need any special rack to hold the reflectors in place?

Coming from an Inova T3 as my EDC (Rather big for that, I know) I did not realize how much I appreciated a tight, spotlightish beam. It really makes a difference whence spotting things at a distance, especially in drainage tunnels. It seems that with the TSP, my eyes adapt to the light level immediately around me (the sidespill) thereby rendering the further-away objects not as apparently bright, though more light may reach them compared to the T3..

If and when I complete this modification I will post some beamshots.
I'd put some daubs of glue or epoxy on the legs to hold them in place. That's the only way I know of. Unless the lens will press down on them and hold them in place jsut right. You might have to do something about the lens being loose anyways afterwards.. not sure. You'll be the first to do this to a TSP!

The refelctors will give you a tighter hotspot that will throw farther, and then gental side-spill that allows up close work. So it should fit what you need perfect. Since your application needs throw, you could also look into a sing luxIII mod in a mag with mag reflector, it throws about the best of any setup with a luxeon.

I'm giong to build a mag w/3 of the 20mm IMS and 3 LuxIII soon. I just build one with the same optic as the TSP. The new one I'll build w/20mm reflectors should be a cood comprimise of both worlds, throw, and sidespill/upclose. The hotspot will be tight, but not too tight.
I've done some measuring and it appears that three 20mm reflectors will fit perfectly, with a couple millimeters to spare. I think I'll go for it. Time to gather some funding. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon3.gif