Can I buy a complete Mag85?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 2, 2004
I have been reading all about the Mag85 and the bi-pin setups for a Mag 3D. Can a complete Mag85 be purchased or do I need to put one together? Where to purchase the whole turnkey unit or the individual pieces? Do I need to install a bi-pin receptacle or not? I'm still not clear on what needs to be done.

Complete Mag85's can be purchased, but you have to find someone who has all the parts.

I have sold many in the past month, but currently am awaiting some more bulbs and reflectors.

Watch Modified B/S/T for others.

With a LOT of reading you can piece together all of what you need. If you don't want to order parts from 6 different places you might be better off to buy a complete Magcharger and just switch out the bulb for a WA1160.
I forgot to add- the next time I see Stephen I'm going to try to convince him to start building these things for sale.
I wonder, what can you build one for if you built them in bulk? I mean, if you built, say 20 of them, how much would each cost to build? Looks like they usually go for just over $100. I'd imagine if someone could build them for ~$75 and have the customer supply the batteries, sell them for $100 plus shipping. Hell, the reflector is the most expensive piece.
I'm going one piece at a time. Right now, I've got the bulbs, the lens and the reflector. Now I need battery holders. Any available source?
OK...but for a Mag85 with WA 1185, the arrangement is three 3AA to D holders, right? The ones in the group buy are 4AA to D....that won't work with that bulb, will it?
davidra said:
OK...but for a Mag85 with WA 1185, the arrangement is three 3AA to D holders, right? The ones in the group buy are 4AA to D....that won't work with that bulb, will it?

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You replace one of the cells in the 4AA with a dummy cell.

so that's about $60, including dummy cells and three holders? That's a little more than I wanted to spend. Weren't the EL battery holders more like $5 each?
davidra said:
so that's about $60, including dummy cells and three holders? That's a little more than I wanted to spend.

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You could instead go for an 8AA to D adapter plus an 1AA to D adapter:

That should be $20 plus shipping.

davidra said:
Weren't the EL battery holders more like $5 each?

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Yes, but they are not very solid I think, and I also don't like the way they are designed. It may also be a long while before you can buy these again.

The Fivemega 9AA to D adapter looks mighty fine!
