Can I charge a 18650 cell... without a charger?!



Hi all - this is my first post so I hope this isn't a really *really* stupid question (I did a couple of searches and can't find anyone else asking a similar question), but...

Ive just bought a new (MTE SSC P7) torch with some 18650 cells. Unfortunately the charger hasnt arrived from Hong Kong yet (and may be some time arriving). So, I was wondering... is there a way I can charge the cells without a proper charger...?

I have a variable voltage transformer (3.0V to 12.0V in 1.5V increments), a multimeter, and might be able to rummage up some miscellaneous low-voltage components...

I'm confident in my technical abilities (I work in IT), but I don't know much about battery-related electronics, so... would it be easy to make a temporary, safe(-ish) charger... or is this like asking whether it would be a good idea to smoke a cigarette whilst swimming in petrol...?