Can I combine a Pila 168s with a SF123?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 16, 2004
The Heartland of America
Does anyone know if it is ok to combine a Pila 168s with a SF123 to use in a SF 9P with the 3w LED drop-in? I don't want any problems mixing types. Thanks for any info. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/help.gif
Mixing batteries of different kinds or discharge levels is always a No, No. It is hazadous to your battery's health and your health.
Hello Socom,

AW has it right.

To expand a bit, the Pila battery's voltage is around 3.7 and the SF123's about 3 volts. If you mix them, the Pila will try to charge the SF up. This could result in overheating and could trip the protection circuit in the Pila.

You will also end up with reduced performance...
