Can you sand an LED to get rid of rings, and make the light more diffuse?

Lux Luthor

Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 10, 2000
I received an Infinity task light today in green. It's bright enough, but has a ring effect I don't care for. I've tried the red, which is more diffuse, but isn't nearly as bright. Has anyone ever sanded an LED? I don't want to ruin the light without first asking someone.
I've done it, and it made it into a diffused light source, I would not reccomend it, especially with a Infinity as it will cut down on the perceived light output.

Thanks for the advice. I think it would be hard to sand it anyway, without taking the head apart. Still seems to be a nice light though.
If you need "diffusion", you can do something like...
+ Put a small bit of translucent tape across the lens-guard. The light hitting it will cause it to re-emit, in a softer and more diffuse pattern.
+ vasaline (?) to change the optical characteristics of the lens-guard... not the best solution, but it'll let you see what it would look like if you tried, maybe, clear epoxy.
+ a small plastic lens (like from a kids magnifier or microscope set) -- not optical grade, but enough to change the direction/pattern of the light.

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I can't remember where I got this from, but I was told clear fingernail polish makes the LED emit a softer light. supposedly it is similar to sanding them, but lets a little more light through. Again I have never tried it, just passing it along.

I filed down a couple of bright green and blue LEDs. It took out all the rings and made a nice difused light. I did the same with a 5600mcd white. I filed it down a lot until there was no more bevel at the top. I then filed all around the sides until the whole LED was no longer clear looking. I put it in a 2AA maglight. It made a nice wide beam walking light. It gives off a real soft light.
What about clear epoxy, fingernail polish, etc. as an adhesive coating for reflective glass beads like is used in road marking paint?
Well, I sanded my green Infinity's LED. Took all the rings out but not as bright. I used very fine sandpaper and then toothpaste and a papertowel to really polish the black paint off of the little reflector. The toothpaste cleaned the sanding marks off the LED so well, the rings are back. I think I'll leave it as the real shiny reflector and the brighter green rings.