Can you use a single charger for both NiMH and Li-Ion?


Nov 15, 2006
I just want 1 battery each and a small charger for both (aaa). I just want to spend as little as possible (without getting crap).
EsthetiX said:
I just want 1 battery each and a small charger for both (aaa). I just want to spend as little as possible (without getting crap).
They are different chemistry, therefore needing a different charging routine. In order to do both, you have to get into a RC type chargers.
If you get a charger that can do both be VERY, VERY careful. I've seen far too many reports of r/c folks having house fires because they charged Lithium Polymer packs on the wrong setting. LiOn are less likely to "vent with flames" bit it can still happen.

You don't want to spend much?
I think the best course might be to stay with primary batteries. Depending upon your usage, it can sometimes take a while to recover your initial investment into batteries and decent chargers. And in other cases, the amount of usage with primary batteries might never get to the initial cost of rechargeable batteries and charger(s).

EsthetiX said:
I just want 1 battery each and a small charger for both (aaa). I just want to spend as little as possible (without getting crap).
There are chargers that are designed to do both. One example: Maha CH777PlusII has a switch for whichever type. However, the charger is USD ~70.00 and its charging current is abit high for a single "AAA" battery.

You really nead a charger designed for LiON. LiON batteries explode if they are mistreated very much when charging (or discharging for that matter). And when they explode, they give off potentially poisonous gas/materials. Be careful, buy the right tool for the right job....
I would start you off with a good AA/AAA 4 bay charger and see how you use it. Find a good charger and cells combo and it will serve you well.

And than look into Li-on battery set up as these require a lot of reading and precautions. If not it will come back to bite you in the rear!

Wish you a good luck on your quest.
