Can you use the MN20 in a M3T?


Jan 24, 2003
Hello CPF's

So, can you use an MN20 in a M3T or is it gonna blow? I just dropped my MN16 on the floor!
*POP!* I can almost swear I felt a sting in my wallet. :)
I am sorry to say this, but no.

I feel your pain...
Mr HG, I feel your pain too - I've lost a couple Lamp Assemblies in similar accidents. It's a gutting isn't it?

Member # 916 is correct, the MN20 is not designed for the M3T. I strongly urge you not to put it in your M3T.

Mr HG,
If I heard your story as part of my job at SureFire Customer Service, I think I would send you out a replacement MN16. However, I don't work for SureFire Customer Service so it isn't my call.

What's the worst a call to SureFire Customer Service will do?

FC-Fire/Rescue isn't as easy to type as Member #916. I'm sorry. No hurt was intended.
I was tempted to call you Fred or Sam though...
Al is much easier to type then Alastair.

Well Al, you can call me Al. It is my name you know

Just kiddin. It would create too much confusion. Back in the day(SFDB) they used to call me just FC...
Originally posted by A00079:
Mr HG,
If I heard your story as part of my job at SureFire Customer Service, I think I would send you out a replacement MN16...

<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Hey! I just got an idea
, thank you kindly.
Then I call you FC too is that's okay?

Off-topic or what!

I was calling mobile to mobile from UK to USA and my mobile almost straight away said "5 minutes remaining [credit]"

In the UK, there are phone companies which specialise in International calls for far less.
There must be similar in Sweden?
