Newly Enlightened
Can\'t Find a D-Cell Legend Locally
OK, I've looked at Target, Wal-Mart, and K-Mart. Where should I look next? Wal-Mart comes closest, as they carry all the Brinkmann products except the D-cell's.
Does it seem suspicious that they had an unusually large selection of D-cell M*glite's?????? It almost seems as if someone made a deal with these retailers....????? Afraid of a little competition maybe....????
OK, I've looked at Target, Wal-Mart, and K-Mart. Where should I look next? Wal-Mart comes closest, as they carry all the Brinkmann products except the D-cell's.
Does it seem suspicious that they had an unusually large selection of D-cell M*glite's?????? It almost seems as if someone made a deal with these retailers....????? Afraid of a little competition maybe....????